Casino Wiesbaden

Casino Wiesbaden
Kurhausplatz 1, D-65189 Wiesbaden
The Casino Wiesbaden. Stylish ambience and thrills at one of the most beautiful casinos in Europe.
Someone visiting a casino has one thing in mind above all: spine-tingling entertainment and longed for profits. Anyone who visits the Wiesbaden casino actually always wins though – no matter how the personal gambling endeavour turns out. This casino is one of the oldest in Germany and one of the most beautiful ones in Europe. Therefore, visitors always enjoy a special atmosphere and unique ambience in addition to excitement, feel, fun and, in best-case scenario, delightful cash winnings.
The incomparable casino’s flair has been fascinating and inspiring celebrities such as the poet Fjodor Dostojewski, who processed his experiences in the novel "Der Spieler" ("The Gambler"). Richard Wagner and another great musician many years later: Elvis Presley.
Casino Wiesbaden was first licensed in 1771 and attracts many visitors, locals, and inhabitants of the Rhine-Main region as well as an international crowd. Daily from 11.00 o’clock (slot machine game) and 14.45 (classic game) until at least 4.00 in the morning, the guests seek and find small or big fortunes. A visit to the casino is just as popular among all those who simply want to watch the exciting events around the gaming tables at the Casino's former wine hall. The slot machine games at the neighbouring Kurhaus Kolonnaden, built in 1826, also promises a fun time playing in style. Its variety exerts great attraction.
The current gambling offerings are as comprehensive and exciting as is the history of Casino Wiesbaden. These range from classic French roulette, where all eyes are set on the track of the ivory ball once the cry "no more bets" has been heard at the up-market tables to American roulette, Black Jack, and poker. In addition, a multitude of brand new slot machines are available. "No more bets, please!" – Though, everything is possible yet: Roulette is considered the fairest gambling game in the world. Approximately 98 percent of stakes are returned as profits at the Casino Wiesbaden. Fortuna is clearly a continuous operation here.
Almost 250 years of history, a special ambience and festive flair are some of the Casino Wiesbaden's characteristics. It has long achieved landmark status. An additional feature is an ultra-modern gaming business which finds itself at the cutting edge of the gaming industry, presenting a wealth of ideas and innovations. Patented systems such as the "Wiesbaden Super-Roulette" and Super Jackpot provide additional chances of winning without additional investments. As the venue of five poker tournaments a week, the casino has been called "Germany's poker stronghold" for years.
In order for casino visitor’s wardrobe not to turn into a gamble, guests of classic gambling games choose their clothes in accordance with the special ambience (men preferably jackets with dressy shirts but well-groomed and stylish jeans are presentable as well). At the neighbouring slot machine game area, a more casual clothing style is allowed. A valid identity card is required for a visit to the casino. Casino Wiesbaden, which attracts visitors of all generations, is also active and present beyond the gaming business. It is displayed in public affairs and sponsor events such as art, health, sport, or social matters. In addition, the casino is involved in modern social networks such as Facebook. Excellent gastronomic offers are available at the Joker´s restaurant or at the exclusive Restaurant 'Roulette' (the ball decides the price of a menu). But also the about 1,000 parking spaces located in direct vicinity as well as attractive specials for club members put guests with the most diverse expectations in a “happy-go-lucky" mood.
Premium Conditions With the PRIMO MEDICO Voucher Advantage Programme:
- Free entry
- Welcome drink at the casino bar
- Free parking
- An attractive starting balance in lucky chips or game tickets is awaiting you!
Here, you can find further information about the Casino Wiesbaden.