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Marius Bredell & PD Dr Dr Daniel Zweifel - Portrait

Praxis Bredell & Zweifel

Specialists in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

+41 52 500 3641

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Winterthur (Switzerland): Praxis Bredell & Zweifel

Treatment focus

  • Growth disorders/malocclusion (orthognathic surgery)
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Temporomandibular joint disorders
  • Tumor surgery and reconstructive surgery
  • Oral surgery / dental implants
  • Facial traumas


Praxis Bredell & Zweifel
Marius Bredell and PD Dr Dr Daniel Zweifel
Technikumstr. 73, CH-8400 Winterthur

P: +41 52 500 3641 F: +41 52 213 1477

Consultation Hours:

By appointment

Praxis Bredell & Zweifel - Logo

Medical Range

Range of Diagnostic Services


  • Digital Volume-CT (DVT)
  • Orthopantomogram (OPT/OPG)


Range of Therapeutic Services


  • Facial trauma
  • Growth disorders/dysgnathia (orthognathic surgery)
  • Temporomandibular joint disorders
  • Temporomandibular joint surgery/temporomandibular joint replacement
  • Tumor surgery and reconstructive surgery
  • Oral surgery/wisdom teeth/implants
  • Misaligned teeth

More Information


Marius Bredell, B.Ch.D., M.B.Ch.B., M.Ch.D., EBOMFS, IBCSOMS, and PD Dr Dr Daniel Zweifel, EBOMFS, are specialists in oral and maxillofacial surgery and work in their own private practice in Winterthur.

The experienced physicians Marius Bredell and PD Dr Dr Daniel Zweifel offer their patients the best possible treatment at the highest level in oral and maxillofacial surgery. As a person with their individual needs, the patient is always the center of attention.

Precise Correction of Growth Disorders: Orthognathic Surgery at the Highest Level

Orthognathic surgery is used to correct growth disorders of the facial skull and misalignments of the maxilla and mandible. This may be necessary in particular for masticatory dysfunction, incorrect tooth wear, and other complaints such as gum disease or sleep apnea syndrome. Surgical intervention can also help with severe facial asymmetries, often caused by one-sided growth of the upper or lower jaw.

The experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeons Bredell and Zweifel carry out surgical planning precisely to within a millimeter before the surgery in their private practice in Winterthur. The exact procedure is planned with the help of optical and dental impressions and X-rays of the skull. With the help of a modern computer simulation, the physicians can visualize the desired result in advance so that the patient can get a more accurate picture.

The practice in Winterthur is specially equipped to plan orthognathic surgery so that planning and surgery can be carried out to the highest standards. The surgeons have a great deal of skill and many years of experience.

State-of-the-Art Techniques for Correcting Misaligned Teeth in Winterthur

In many cases, misaligned teeth can be treated conservatively. Removable or fixed appliances are used to correct the misalignment slowly. In some more severe cases, surgical treatment may also be necessary, which the oral and maxillofacial surgeons carry out, for example, a surgical tooth removal or the relocation of a tooth to improve the position of the teeth.

Even the smallest screws or palatal implants are used by experienced physicians to correct misaligned teeth. During a comprehensive consultation, Dr Bredell and Dr Zweifel will explain the wide range of treatment options in detail and comprehensible terms. An individual treatment plan is created based on the patient's wishes. All surgical steps and information on follow-up treatment are explained in detail.

Many Years of Experience in the Treatment of Temporomandibular Joint Issues

Temporomandibular joint disorders can cause annoying discomfort when eating and talking. The quality of life of those affected can be severely impacted by jaw cracking, rubbing, radiating pain, and pain in the masticatory muscles.

The maxillofacial surgeons at the Winterthur practice carry out a comprehensive clinical examination supplemented by imaging techniques. These include volume tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and computed tomography. In most cases, temporomandibular joint problems can be treated conservatively. For example, targeted physiotherapy or fitting dental bite splints can help.

In rare cases, surgery may be necessary. The physicians can use minimally invasive arthroscopic surgery to gain an insight into the temporomandibular joint and, if required, loosen existing scarring. In rare persistent and severe symptoms, only a total replacement of the temporomandibular joint can resolve the issue.

The oral and maxillofacial surgeons at the private practice in Winterthur are among the pioneers of temporomandibular joint prosthetics in Switzerland. Therefore, they are experienced and highly competent partners for this particular procedure. Detailed and computer-assisted planning enables highly precise, individualized, and promising treatment.

Highest Level of Expertise in Tumor Surgery and Reconstruction

The oral and maxillofacial surgery specialists at the Bredell & Zweifel practice in Winterthur also have significant experience in tumor surgery. The physicians carry out biopsies for benign changes such as benign tumors, cysts, and benign vascular changes, but also for oral mucosal changes, to exclude malignant disease. The surgeons can remove tissue changes in a minor procedure or using laser technology. An interdisciplinary approach is followed if there is suspicion of a malignant tumor.

Malignant tissue growths require significant expertise in their treatment, which Dr Bredell and Dr Zweifel have gained through many years of practice. Malignant tumors in the facial area can originate from the oral mucosa, the bone, the salivary glands, and other soft tissue. However, cancer metastases can also reach the area via the lymphatic or bloodstream.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons carry out comprehensive examinations, and weekly tumor boards are held at the Kantonsspital with other experienced colleagues to ensure the correct treatment. The surgical removal of a malignant tumor can result in a tissue defect that can cause both aesthetic and functional problems. Thanks to computer-aided and individual planning, the physicians at the Winterthur practice can reconstruct the defect. This type of reconstructive surgery is used not only in tumor surgery but also after facial injuries or birth injuries. Free tissue flaps from distant tissues, such as the lower leg, are often used.

The team of physicians led by Dr Bredell and Dr Zweifel is leading in reconstructive facial surgery in Switzerland. The surgeons also lead various international courses for colleagues.

Oral Surgery Specialists: Individualized Treatment Concepts and Expert Care

Being experienced oral surgery experts, the oral and maxillofacial surgeons in Winterthur skillfully carry out the often-necessary surgical removal of wisdom teeth. The procedure is done after thorough diagnostic imaging and surgical planning. After accidents involving tooth loss or damage, an implant may be necessary. The dental prosthesis is done gently and with excellent aesthetic results in the private practice.

The team also offers expert care for bone infections, which can occur, for example, after tooth infections, tooth extractions with abscess formation, or as a result of medication or treatment such as radiation for cancer. The doctors place a high value on thorough diagnostics to ensure the proper treatment is initiated.

Specialized Surgery for Facial Injuries

Specific and precise surgical treatment should be provided for facial injuries caused by trauma. After midface and mandibular injuries with fractures, the physicians may perform a reposition and, if necessary, fabricate a computer-assisted bone implant. This way, the implant can be precisely and individually tailored to each patient. During the surgery, the team aims for a minimally invasive procedure under general anesthesia in most cases.

Early and correct treatment is also of great importance in the case of a traumatic orbital fracture, a fracture of the bony eye socket. This relatively common fracture is treated by the maxillofacial surgeons at the Winterthur practice with a great deal of experience, whereby, in addition to correcting the bony damage, the accompanying soft tissue injuries are also treated.

The doctors aim to achieve a satisfactory esthetic result. All treatment steps are explained in detail at the Winterthur practice. The necessary steps for follow-up treatment and the recovery period are also discussed with the affected patients in a detailed and understandable manner.

Please Visit the Bredell & Zweifel Practice Website for more Information.


Curriculum Vitae

Marius Bredell

Since 2017 to dateOwner, Medical Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (CH), Bredell & Zweifel Practice in Winterthur
2016–2019Examiner for IBCSOMS
2012–2016Co-Director KFSP Research Project (Tumor Oxygenation), University of Zurich
2006–2016Senior Physician and, as of 2009, Head Physician, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, UniversitätsSpital Zurich and Center for Dental Medicine, Zurich Coordinator and Board Member, Head and Neck Tumor Center, UniversitätsSpital Zurich
Since 2006Active Member of FMH at the Universitätsspital Zurich
2001–2006Private Practice and Senior Physician (Pretoria, South Africa)
1996–2001Senior Physician and Consultant (Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Pretoria)
1995MBChB (Human Medicine, South Africa)
1994MChD (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, South Africa)
1988BChD (Honors) (Oral Pathology and Medicine)
1985BChD (Dentistry, South Africa)

PD Dr Dr Daniel Zweifel

To DatePD Dr. med. Dr. med. dent., Medical Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Bredell & Zweifel Practice in Winterthur
2023Venia Legendi Awarded by the University of Zurich for the Teaching Field of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Since 2021Owner of the Bredell & Zweifel Practice, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
2019Certificate of Competence: Laser treatment of the Skin and Skin-Related Mucous Membranes Type I
Since 2018Private Practice in Winterthur, Specialist in Practice Marius Bredell
2017Certified Medical Consultant SIM
2016Fellow of the European Board of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Head and Neck Surgery (FEBOMS), European Medical Specialist Examination
2015–2018Senior Physician of the Department for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, UniversitätsSpital Zurich, USZ
Responsible for Tumor Surgery and Reconstruction OMF
Coordinator and Representative Head, Head and Neck Tumor Center
Responsible for Medical Expert Opinions
2014Further Qualification as SGV Medical Consultant
2012Recognition as a Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in England (Specialist Register)
2011–2014Senior Physician at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Universitätsspital Lausanne, CHUV Specialized Advanced Training in Tumor Surgery and Microvascular Reconstruction with Free Flaps, Microsurgery, Orthognathic Surgery, Separate Consultation Hours for Oral Surgery, incl. Implantology
2011Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
2010Specialist Registrar Maxillofacial Surgery in East Grinstead, England, Fellowship for Orthognathic Surgery
2007–2011Assistant Physician at the Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the UniversitätsSpital Zurich, USZ
2008Doctorate Dr. med. dent., University of Zurich
2007State Examination in Dentistry, University of Zurich
2006Promotion Dr. med., Universität Zurich
2003Recognition of Human Medicine Studies in England (GMC)
2002–2004Assistant Physician Medical and Surgical Clinic of Spital Linth, Uznach
2001State Examination in Human Medicine, University of Zurich


  • Marius Bredell, B.Ch.D., M.B.Ch.B., M.Ch.D., EBOMFS, IBCSOMS
    Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  • PD Dr med. Dr med. dent. Daniel Zweifel, EBOMFS
    Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Research & Training



  • CO2-Laser


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Transport Connections

Winterthur Station400 m
Zurich Airport18 km
Zurich Main Station24 km

Information about Winterthur

Winterthur is a charming city in Switzerland, known for its rich industrial history and cultural offerings. It is home to numerous museums, including the famous Oskar Reinhart Collection, as well as a lively old town with cafés and markets. Surrounded by green hills, Winterthur also offers many recreational opportunities and is an important business and educational centre.

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Praxis Bredell & Zweifel

Praxis Bredell & Zweifel

Marius Bredell and PD Dr Dr Daniel Zweifel

Technikumstr. 73, CH-8400 Winterthur

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