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Dr Bilal Chamat, FEBO

Head of Berlin Eye Clinic

Specialist in Anterior eye segment

+49 30 2647 8606
Private patients & self-insured

Berlin Eye Specialist: Dr Bilal Chamat, FEBO

Treatment focus

  • Cataract
  • Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery (FLACS)
  • Refractive lens surgery (lens replacement)
  • Oculoplastic eyelid surgery
  • Ophthalmic diagnostics
  • IVOM (intravitreal operative medication delivery), IVI (intravitreal injection)


Berlin Eye Clinic
Walter-Benjamin-Platz 8, D-10629 Berlin

P: +49 30 2647 8606(Private patients & self-insured)

Consultation Hours:

By appointment


Berlin Eye Clinic – Logo


Lens replacement - Berlin Eye ClinicFemtosecond laser - Berlin Eye ClinicCataract - Berlin Eye ClinicWaiting room - Berlin Eye ClinicExamination room - Berlin Eye ClinicExamination room - Berlin Eye Clinic

Medical Range

Range of Diagnostic Services


  • Wavefront analysis
  • I-trace
  • IOL-master
  • GDX nerve fiber analyzer
  • HRT (Heidelberg Retina Tomograph)
  • OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography)
  • Endothelial cell camera
  • PentaCam


Range of Therapeutic Services


  • Cataract surgery (with the femtosecond laser and implantation of multifocal/EDOF (Enhanced Depth of Focus) intraocular lenses (highest form of cataract surgery))
  • Lens replacement/refractive lens surgery with the femtosecond laser (the highest form of refractive lens surgery)
  • Oculoplastic eyelid surgery:

    - Upper eyelid blepharoplasty (eyelid lift)
    - Lower eyelid blepharoplasty (lower eyelid lift)
    - Eyelid tumor removal and reconstruction

More Information


Dr Bilal Chamat is a specialist in the anterior segment of the eye and the head of the Berlin Eye Clinic in Berlin-Charlottenburg.

The modern eye clinic on Kurfürstendamm in Berlin offers the full range of ophthalmological services. Dr Chamat uses state-of-the-art treatment technology to perform surgical procedures as gently and efficiently as possible.

Cataract Specialist: Cataract Surgery in Berlin Using the Most Modern Procedures

Cataract surgery is one of the most frequently carried out procedures at the Berlin Eye Clinic, which Dr Bilal Chamat heads. This ophthalmic disease manifests through symptoms such as blurred, dull vision, in which everything appears as if looking through a veil. Double vision, impaired stereoscopic vision, faded colors, and delayed adaptation to changing light conditions are further signs.

Cataract surgery is a safe outpatient procedure and is carried out under local anesthesia. Innovative femtosecond laser technology is used for this procedure at the Berlin Eye Clinic. The laser opens the lens capsule with maximum precision and a uniform, circular opening, which improves results, especially with multifocal intraocular lenses. In addition, the femtosecond laser breaks up the cloudy lens, so less ultrasonic energy is needed. It completes the incisions through the cornea without using a scalpel. Then, the fragmented lens is removed with a special probe and replaced by a high-quality artificial lens. In most cases, monofocal intraocular lenses are used for glasses-free distance vision. A lens with additional functions, such as several focus areas (trifocal intraocular lenses with three focus points) or an EDOF lens with an extended visual range, can also be used.

The minimally invasive method of cataract surgery preserves the tissue and enables rapid visual recovery. Dr Bilal Chamat, an internationally recognized ophthalmologist, has pioneered this field and offers his patients a precise and tissue-sparing treatment using the latest technologies.

Refractive Lens Surgery at the Highest Medical Level

Dr Bilal Chamat, FEBO, is an experienced specialist in refractive lens surgery and the senior eye surgeon at the Berlin Eye Clinic. He carries out over 1,500 procedures annually, giving him impressive surgical experience. His primary focus is treating vision defects such as short-sightedness, long-sightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia using innovative intraocular lenses (IOLs).

At the Berlin Eye Clinic, Dr Chamat uses the most advanced technologies, including the femtosecond laser, which ensures maximum precision and tissue protection in the surgical area when surgically replacing damaged eye lenses. He offers patients a customized selection of high-quality lenses (multifocal, bifocal, and toric intraocular lenses or EDOF intraocular lenses with an extended range of vision), which are individually adapted to their needs. Patients can usually refrain from wearing glasses or contact lenses in their daily lives after the procedure.

Eye Lid Surgery in Berlin: Precision for Esthetic and Medical Corrections

Many patients decide to have eyelid surgery with Dr Bilal Chamat because he has a wealth of experience and expertise in this field. He is highly skilled in effective, state-of-the-art techniques for treating esthetic and functional problems.

His precise and gentle procedures guarantee excellent results when correcting sagging skin or eye bags and treating drooping eyelids. He ensures a natural, harmonious appearance that optimizes facial features without appearing artificial.

Blepharoplasty to correct drooping eyelids is carried out through an incision along the upper eyelid's natural crease. In contrast, the lower eyelid lift is carried out either through an incision directly below the eyelashes or from the inside through the conjunctiva. Drooping upper eyelids, known as ptosis, are treated by shortening the muscles that open the upper eyelid. Ptosis surgery can be combined with both upper eyelid blepharoplasty and eyebrow lift.

Dr Chamat places a high value on personal consultations in which he addresses the needs and desires of each patient. The surgery is carried out safely, with minimal downtime and advanced anesthesia methods that maximize patient comfort. Patients can look forward to a quick recovery and the desired appearance.

Innovative Ophthalmic Diagnostics for the Early Detection of Ophthalmic Diseases

Not only is Dr Chamat a talented surgeon, but he is also an experienced diagnostician who offers his patients significant added value through innovative ophthalmic diagnostics. Using the most modern methods, he enables the early detection of eye diseases, even before symptoms appear. This is particularly valuable because many eye diseases, such as glaucoma and retinal diseases, are initially asymptomatic but can cause severe damage if left untreated.

Dr Chamat uses precise instrumental diagnostics that enable a detailed analysis of the eye's structure and function. Through comprehensive and, above all, timely diagnosis, potential problems can be identified early, and personalized treatment plans can be developed.

Please Visit the Berlin Eye Clinic Website for More Information.


Curriculum Vitae

Since Jan. 2013Registered Eye Surgeon in Berlin-Charlottenburg
Since Jan. 2012Berlin Eye Clinic: Private Clinic and Eye Diagnostic Center in Berlin-Charlottenburg
July 2010 – Dec. 2012Registered Eye Surgeon at the Friedrichshain Medical Center in Berlin-Friedrichshain
2009 – 2010Consultant (Head Surgeon) at Royal Free Hospital in London/GB: Subspecialization in Cataract and Oculoplastic Surgery
2008 – 2009Fellowship for Cataract Surgery and Polyclinic (Cataract and Primary Care Fellow) at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London/GB
2008 – 2009Consultant in Cataract and Oculoplastic Surgery at Royal Free Hospital in London/GB (Part-Time)
2007 – 2008Senior Clinical Fellow in okuloplastischer und Kataraktchirurgie am Royal Free Hospital in London/GB
2007 – 2008Consultant in Oculoplastic Surgery at Charing Cross Hospital, London, UK (Part-Time)
2007Fellow of the European Board of Ophthalmology (FEBO), Paris/France
2006 – 2007Senior Registrar at Royal Free Hospital and University College Hospital Main Focus: Cataract Surgery and General Ophthalmology in London/GB
2005 – 2006Medical Retina Fellow – Advanced Subspecialty Training Opportunity at Bristol Eye Hospital Main Focus: Retina in Bristol/GB
2004Medical Specialist in Ophthalmology, Hamburg Medical Association
2000 – 2004Training to Become a Specialist in Ophthalmology at the Eye Clinic of the Universitätskrankenhaus Eppendorf in Hamburg
1999 – 2000Post-doc Forschungsstipendium der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) an der School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences der University of Brighton/GB
1999License to Practice Medicine in the Hanseatic City of Hamburg
1998 – 1999Physician in Training at the Eye Clinic of the Universitätskrankenhaus Eppendorf in Hamburg
1998Doctorate in the Field of Glaucoma on the Topic: "Examination of the Success of Goniotrepanation, and in Particular of the Influence of the Type of Conjunctival Flap and Suture Technique, at the Hamburg University Eye Clinic 1992 - 1994"
1997Internship at the Cornea Bank/Transplantation Laboratory at the Hamburg-Eppendorf University Eye Clinic to Learn Cell Cultivation Techniques for Human Corneal Endothelial Cells and Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells
1997Medical Exam
1991 – 1997Medical Studies at the University of Hamburg

Research & Training



  • Private Eye Clinic with 2 Single Rooms (Best Quality)


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Transport Connections

Berlin Main Station5,9 km
Berlin-Schönefeld Airport29 km

Medical Articles

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Berlin Eye Clinic

Berlin Eye Clinic is an Internationally Oriented Surgical and Diagnostic Center Specializing in Cataract Surgery and Esthetic Eyelid Surgery.

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Femtosecond Laser, Cataract Surgery, Lens Replacement, and Berlin Eye Clinic

Femtosecond Laser for Refractive Lens/Cataract Surgery Delivers the Highest Level of Precision and Efficiency.

Information about Berlin

The German state capital of the federal state with the same name is located in the east of the Federal Republic of Germany. Berlin is the largest city in the country and the seat of government since 1999. The rivers Spree, Havel and smaller rivers and streams flow through the city. Furthermore, the cityscape is characterised by lakes, forests and parks, making Berlin one of the greenest capitals. The Berlin Mitte district is located in the centre of the 12 districts into which the city is divided.

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Dr Bilal Chamat, FEBO

Head of Berlin Eye Clinic

Berlin Eye Clinic

Walter-Benjamin-Platz 8, D-10629 Berlin

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