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PD Dr Uwe Vieweg - Portrait

PD Dr Uwe Vieweg

Chief Physician

Specialist in Spinal surgery

+49 9128 405 4028

PD Dr Vieweg – Specialist in Neurosurgery & Spine Specialist in Bavaria

Treatment focus

  • Degenerative cervical and lumbar spine diseases
  • Spinal fractures
  • Herniated disks
  • Deformities and malformations of the spine
  • Inflammatory changes and rheumatic diseases of the spine


Rummelsberg Hospital
Department for surgical and conservative spine therapy
Rummelsberg 71, D-90592 Schwarzenbruck

P: +49 9128 405 4028 F: +49 9128 504 1300

Consultation Hours:

By prior arrangement

Medical Range

Range of Diagnostic Services


  • Medical history and physical examination
  • Multifunctional X-ray diagnostics, including image intensifier and fluoroscopy option
  • CT (Computer tomographic examinations)
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) examinations
  • (EMG) Neurological additional examinations/nerve conduction velocity


Range of Therapeutic Services

Degenerative cervical and lumbar spine diseases

  • Arthrosis of the facet joints, intervertebral disc degeneration
  • Osteochondrosis of the spine
  • Spinal canal stenosis

Spine Fractures

  • Vertebral fractures, fractures after accidents
  • Paraplegic syndromes after accidents
  • Osteoporotic fractures

Herniated disk

  • The herniated disk of the cervical spine
  • The herniated disk of the lumbar spine

Deformities and Malformations of the Spine

  • Scolioses (idiopathic, neuromuscular, congenital)
  • Kyphosis (congenital, post-traumatic, ankylosing spondylitis, Scheuermann's disease)
  • Combination of scoliosis and kyphosis
  • Myelodysplasia (myelo-meningocele, spina bifida)
  • Congenital malformations (wedge vertebrae, hemivertebrae, butterfly vertebrae, segmentation disorders, Klippel-Feil syndrome)

Inflammatory Changes in the Spine

  • Spondylodiscitis
  • Abscesses of the spine

Rheumatic Diseases of the Spine

  • Bechterew's disease
  • Ankylosing spondylitis

More Information


Associate Professor Dr Uwe Vieweg is a neurosurgery specialist and, as a specialist in spine surgery, chief physician of the department for surgical and conservative spine therapy at Rummelsberg Hospital.

The staffing with the specialties of neurosurgery, orthopedics/trauma surgery, neurology, and neurourology provides a broad spectrum of treatment under the direction of Associate Professor Dr Vieweg, who has enormous expertise in spinal and revision surgery.

Many Years of Experience in the Treatment of Degenerative Diseases of the Cervical and Lumbar Spine

Degenerative spinal diseases include herniated disks, narrowing of the spinal canal, arthritic wear of the small facet joints between the vertebras, and instability of the bony vertebral bodies. These pathological changes manifest in most cases by local pain sensations, paralysis, and sensory disturbances in the extremities. PD Dr Uwe Vieweg can look back on an enormous range of experience in treating such clinical pictures and always prefers a targeted conservative therapy to surgical intervention.

Spine Surgery Rummelsberg - Specialists for Minimally Invasive Microsurgical Spine Surgery in Bavaria

Depending on the extent and level of pathological findings and the measures to be taken, Associate Professor Dr Uwe Vieweg chooses the optimal access to the surgical area to minimize tissue damage as much as possible and accelerate the healing process. Minimally invasive surgical techniques are also considered superior to open surgery in spine surgery. The surgical team in Rummelsberg routinely uses these gentler access methods several times a day.

Expert for Spinal Fractures

Fractures of the bony vertebral bodies can be caused by traumatic forces but also occur spontaneously in osteoporosis or cases of bone metastases. Imaging diagnostics are used to determine the stability of the fractured spine, and based on these data, an indication for surgery is made, or a conservative procedure is chosen.

Specialist for Herniated Disks in Bavaria

In the case of a herniated disc, the shock absorber between the bony vertebras deforms due to incorrect chronic strain and is squeezed out of its anatomically correct position. As a result, compressing exiting nerve roots next to the spinal column can result in massive pain, paralysis, and sensory disturbances, especially for treating herniated disks in the cervical or lumbar spine area; Associate Professor Dr Uwe Vieweg is considered a nationally renowned specialist in Bavaria.

Correction of Deformities and Deformed Spine.

Anatomically correct, the spine forms a double-S-shaped curve to cushion axial impacts. The cervical and lumbar regions show lordosis, i.e., curvature, with the convex side facing forward. In contrast, the thoracic region is said to show kyphosis, bending with the convex side facing backward. In the lateral direction, the spine is not ordinarily curved. If deviations from this standard variant occur, increasing degeneration and incorrect strain in old age can lead to painful arthrosis of the joints between the vertebral bodies. This can be eliminated prophylactically by surgical correction of the axial skeleton.

Expertise in Inflammatory Changes and Rheumatic Diseases of the Spine

Inflammation of an intervertebral disk can spread to the bony vertebral body and cause lasting damage if left untreated, resulting in instability and deformation of the affected vertebral body and degeneration of the adjacent intervertebral disks despite healing of the inflammation. To avoid this, appropriate antibiotic therapy for the causative agent of the inflammation must be administered in time while the affected vertebra is immobilized. If painful complications arise, the team led by Associate Professor Dr Uwe Vieweg performs a surgical abscess removal and stiffens or reconstructs the affected vertebrae using screws to ensure the stability of the axial skeleton.

Rheumatic autoimmune diseases such as Bekhterev's disease also involve the spine. For the treatment of such clinical pictures, Associate Professor Dr Uwe Vieweg cooperates with rheumatological specialists to offer his patients holistic spinal medicine.

Please, click here for further information on PD Dr Uwe Vieweg.



Curriculum Vitae



  • Hannes Moritz
    Acting Senior Physician
  • Valentin Bogdan
    Senior Physician
  • Dr Ulrich Pechstein
    Acting Physician
  • Dr Sebastian Tremel
    Acting Physician

Research & Training



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Transport Connections

Ochenbruck Railway Station1.5 km
Nuremberg Airport35 km
Munich Airport147 km
Frankfurt Airport252 km

Information about Nuremberg

The second-largest city in Bavaria comes across as entirely unexciting. But Nuremberg is characterized by the historic buildings of the old town, surrounded by the imposing city wall. On the sandstone mountain, the medieval Kaiserburg is enthroned and gives the view over the city's roofs and the most important churches of Nuremberg. Additionally, museums, sights, shopping miles, and fancy stores make Nuremberg a lively town with a lot of atmosphere and flair.

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PD Dr Uwe Vieweg

Chief Physician

Rummelsberg Hospital

Department for surgical and conservative spine therapy

Rummelsberg 71, D-90592 Schwarzenbruck

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