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Prof. Dr Bertalanffy - Portrait

Prof. Dr Helmut Bertalanffy


Specialist in Neurosurgery

+49 511 270 925 70

Neurosurgeon Dr Bertalanffy Hanover

Treatment focus

  • Brainstem cavernous malformations and gliomas
  • Skull base tumours
  • Cerebral arterial aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations
  • Deep-seated brain tumours
  • Lesions of the cranio-cervical junction
  • Intramedullary spinal cord tumours


International Neuroscience Institute (INI) Hanover GmbH
Vascular Neurosurgery
Rudolf-Pichlmayr-Straße 4, D-30625 Hanover

P: +49 511 270 925 70 F: +49 511 270 92 990

Consultation Hours:

Friday 9:30 am–3:00 pm and by appointment


International Neuroscience Institute (INI) Hanover GmbH - External view of the clinic

Medical Range

Range of Diagnostic services


  • Diagnostics in close interdisciplinary collaboration (neurology, neuro-radiology)
  • Diagnostic neuro-radiology (diagnostic sectional imaging via computed tomography (CT), conventional radiography, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI))
  • 3D rotational angiography, CT angiography (vascular imaging by CT)
  • Highly modern planning of surgical intervention through preoperative imaging by high-field MRI (3 Tesla MRI)


Range of Therapeutic services


  • Brain stem lesions: Microsurgery under continuous electrophysiological monitoring and use of neuronavigation
  • Skull base surgery: The most modern surgical procedures using the latest microscopes, technically advanced neuronavigation and all methods of minimally invasive surgery; microsurgery of complex meningiomas, neuromas and numerous other lesions, including malignant skull base tumours
  • Cerebrovascular disease: Microsurgery with the use of intra-operative Doppler sonography and ICG angiography
  • Deep-seated brain tumours: Modern microsurgery, use of neuronavigation, 5-ALA fluorescence, and intra-operative MR-guidance (1.5 Tesla device)
  • Spinal cord tumours: Precise microsurgery under continuous electrophysiological monitoring (evoked potentials).

More Information


Prof. Dr Helmut Bertalanffy MD is a specialist for neurosurgery and the director of Vascular Neurosurgery at the International Neuroscience Institute in Hanover.

The International Neuroscience Institute (INI) is a private clinic specialising in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. The neurosurgical specialists work according to the highest internationally recognised scientific standards. In international comparison, the INI is characterised by a low complication rate and above-average treatment success.

Dr Bertalanffy is a renowned national and international specialist in his field. Since joining the INI Hanover, Dr Bertalanffy has received assignments from 40 various countries from all over Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa as well as Japan, China, Korea, New Zealand, South Africa, and Chile. His many years of experience with complex disorders of the brain and spinal cord, his good results with even the most complicated cases, and the high medical standards at the INI Hanover are three crucial aspects that guide his international patient clientèle.

Dr Bertalanffy has mastered the treatment of many different neurosurgical diseases – both in adults and in children. The following neurosurgical procedures are routinely performed by Dr Bertalanffy at the INI in Hanover:

  • Removal of meningiomas of the skull base (fronto-basal, sphenoid, clinoidal, cavernous sinus, petrous bone, tentorial, petroclival, foramen magnum), removal of acoustic neuromas, clivus chordomas, chondrosarcomas, pituitary adenomas and epidermoid cysts – partially endoscopically assisted, and in some cases in cooperation with an ENT specialist.
  • Removal of intra-axial lesions of the brainstem (cavernous malformations, gliomas, ependymomas, and hemangioblastomas).
  • Clipping of cerebral arterial aneurysms, resection of arteriovenous malformations, and microsurgical treatment of arteriovenous fistulae of the brain and spinal cord
  • Revascularisation using extra-intracranial bypass.
  • Removal of tumours of the lateral ventricle, the third ventricle (craniopharyngiomas, hypothalamic gliomas, cavernous malformations, colloid cysts), resection of tumours of the pineal region, and removal of tumours of the fourth ventricle (sometimes endoscopically assisted procedures).
  • Removal of deep-seated gliomas (insula, thalamus, basal ganglia, hippocampus) – in many cases with intra-operative MRI control, neuronavigation, and 5-ALA fluorescence.
  • Microsurgical treatment of trigeminal neuralgia and facial spasm.
  • Nerve anastomosis (facial-hypoglossal anastomosis).
  • Removing extra- and intramedullary spinal cord tumours (meningioma, neurinoma, ependymoma, glioma, cavernoma, hemangioblastoma, epidermoid cyst, and lipoma).
  • Treatment of degenerative diseases of the cervical spine (anterior fusion, vertebrectomy, laminectomy, and laminoplasty).

Successful treatment requires a correct indication for operation i.e. it is carefully weighed whether it makes sense to treat a patient's illness surgically. Dr Bertalanffy refuses to operate on patients if he believes neurosurgical intervention is unlikely to sufficiently improve the course of disease. In the case of surgical indication, correct planning is required. Especially in the case of skull base and deep-seated brain lesions, including those located in the brainstem, it is important to select the best access route and expose the lesion (e.g. tumour, vascular malformation, or other lesion) in a fashion that allows for microsurgical manipulation in the depths of the brain without damaging the surrounding healthy brain tissue. Because each patient has individual anatomical conditions (which are examined to the last detail before the procedure), each operation is also a tailored intervention, which often deviates from general standards. This individual planning and particularly the correct implementation in the same high quality of microsurgical procedure even after many hours are among the trademarks of Dr Bertalanffy.

The website of Dr Bertalanffy can be found here.


Curriculum Vitae

 Human medicine at the University of Freiburg/Breisgau
1983Licence to practice as medical doctor
1990Specialist for Neurosurgery
1990-1992Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science; Research at the Department of Neurosurgery of Keio University in Tokyo; Main field: cerebral and spinal microcirculation and skull base surgery
1992–1996Chief Consultant of the Department of Neurosurgery of the Technical University of Aachen
1994Postdoctoral qualification
1994Friedrich-Wilhelm Prize of the Friedrich-Wilhelm Foundation at the Technical University of Aachen for outstanding scientific achievements
1996Chair of Neurosurgery at the University of Marburg
1997–2007Professor and Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Marburg
2007–2010Professor and Chairman of the Neurosurgical University Hospital of Zurich
Since 2010Director of Vascular Neurosurgery at the International Neuroscience Institute in Hanover


Prof. Dr Bertalanffy regularly works with the entire medical team of the INI in Hanover.


Research & Training



  • Extraordinary, up-scale accommodation with hotel character, generously furnished patient rooms with parquet floors and modern furniture
  • Large, bright rooms featuring a comfortable bathroom
  • On request, larger suites for patients and accompanying persons will be provided
  • Bright, cheerful cafeteria
  • Spacious garden area for walks in the open air
  • Ultra-modern ICU ward for the best possible postoperative care


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Transport Connections

Hanover Central Station6 km
Hanover Airport20 km

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Prof. Dr Helmut Bertalanffy


International Neuroscience Institute (INI) Hanover GmbH

Vascular Neurosurgery

Rudolf-Pichlmayr-Straße 4, D-30625 Hanover

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