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Prof. Dr Christian Hendrich Medical Director Specialist in Endoprosthetics - Portrait

Prof. Dr Christian Hendrich

Medical Director

Specialist in Endoprosthetics

+49 9722 998 46 99

Endoprosthetics specialist in Werneck: Prof. Dr Christian Hendrich

Treatment focus

  • Minimally invasive hip endoprosthetics
  • Unicondylar knee replacment using MAKOplasty®
  • Knee endoprosthetics using MAKOplasty® (robot-assisted surgical technique)
  • injection treatment for arthrosis
  • FMT® pain therapy for nerves trapped in fascia
  • Hospital hygiene


Orthopaedic Hospital Schloss Werneck
Special Clinic for Endoprosthetics, Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery
Balthasar-Neumann-Platz 1, D-97440 Werneck

P: +49 9722 998 46 99 F: +49 9722 21 1447

Consultation Hours:

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
3 pm – 7 pm, by prior arrangement

Medical Range

Range of Diagnostic Services


  • MRI centre of excellence with high-resolution 3-Tesla magnetic resonance tomography in house
  • In-house CT with a pain therapy workstation and bone density measurement
  • In-house X-ray department with a pain therapy workstation
  • In-house orthopaedic laboratory with MRSA rapid test (RT-PCR)


Range of Therapeutic Services


  • Minimally invasive hip endoprosthetics using in-house ALMI+® access technique and in-house special instruments, large-head ceramic-on-ceramic prostheses for athletes
  • Unicondylar knee replacement surgery using robot-assisted MAKOplasty® surgical technique
  • Knee endoprosthetics using robot-assisted MAKOplasty® surgical technique
  • injection therapy against arthrosis
  • FMT® musculoskeletal pain therapy for nerve endings trapped in fascia in the case of specific sports injuries
  • Hospital hygiene

More Information


Prof. Dr Christian Hendrich has been Chief Physician and Medical Director of the Orthopaedic Hospital Schloss Werneck since 2005.

Performing more than 800 operations a year, he is one of the high-volume surgeons for endoprosthetics both nationally and internationally. Under the motto "High tech and high care at the Schloss", Prof. Hendrich has developed a treatment concept that has been receiving top reviews for years, such as awards from Focus magazine or, most recently, the FAZ seal.

Specialist in Minimally Invasive Hip Endoprosthetics

Prof. Hendrich describes his concept as "Cement-free – minimally invasive – implants from the market leader". In-house special instruments along with the ALMI+® access technique guarantee short incisions, optimal protection of the muscles, and fast rehabilitation. Prof. Hendrich is one of Germany's pioneers in minimally invasive endoprosthetics. A large-head ceramic-on-ceramic prosthesis was used for the first time in Werneck in 2011, especially for patients with sporting ambitions. The concept is supplemented by regular visits to senior physicians in 6 partner rehabilitation clinics.

By the way, the transfusion rate in Werneck using foreign blood is 10 times lower than the German average.

Whenever Possible: Unicondylar Knee Replacement

Here as well, Prof. Hendrich prefers the minimally invasive implantation technique. 20 % of his knee patients receive a sled prosthesis. Advantages include lower levels of stress caused by the procedure and more natural joint functions. Today, the sled prosthesis is adapted to the patient's individual ligament motility with an accuracy of 0.1 mm and 1° using state-of-the-art computer and robotic technology, the so-called MAKOplasty®. In 2013, Prof. Hendrich was the first to introduce the MAKOplasty® technique in Germany.

Knee Endoprosthetics Using Makoplasty® – for the First Time Also Outside the US

Today, surface replacement prostheses on knee joints are introduced using MAKOplasty® wherever possible as well. The surgical technique’s basis is CT-supported planning. In contrast to the conventional surgical technique, MAKOplasty®, knee endoprosthesis is exactly aligned to the individual ligament kinematics of the patient. The surgeon implements the planned approach with the aid of a robotic arm to an accuracy of 0.1 mm and 1°. The result is a silky smooth run of the knee endoprosthesis over the entire range of motion.

 A first study from the USA shows that joint function is improved and pain is reduced already in the first half year after the surgical intervention.

Effective treatment against arthrosis

Prof. Hendrich has developed an innovative method to treat people with arthrosis. His special injection has proven particularly effective in patients with mild to moderate arthrosis and can relieve pain and improve mobility. A clinical study has shown that this treatment can provide significant pain relief over a one-year period. Prof. Hendrich has helped many patients and is a recognized expert in this field.

FMT® – the Insider Tip Among Athletes

This special pain therapy using a neutral glucose solution was developed by Dr John A. Lyftogt from New Zealand. Nerves trapped in fascia are treated using micro-injections. The areas of application in orthopaedics literally range from head to toe. Professional athletes from the fields of soccer and motocross appreciate not only faster rehabilitation after muscle injuries, but also the possibility of treating special forms of injury such as Gilmore's groin.

Hospital Hygiene

Prof. Hendrich has additional training in hospital hygiene. Hygiene forms an integral part of the hospital concept at Schloss Werneck. Measures include a specialised surgical centre for orthopaedic procedures, regular testings for hospital germs, the use of an astronaut helmet system for endoprosthesis operations, and preoperative decontamination for all patients in order to protect against pathogenic bacteria.

Further information is available on the website of the Orthopaedic Hospital Schloss Werneck.


Curriculum Vitae

1984 – 1991Study of human medicine, Hannover Medical School
1987 – 1990Dissertation with Prof. Dr R.E. Schmidt, Department of Immunology and Rheumatology, Hannover Medical School "Activation of Fcγ Receptor-Bearing Effector Cells by Rheumatoid Factors – Studies on the Role of Natural Killer Cells in Chronic Polyarthritis"
1991Doctorate, summa cum laude
2001 – 2002Study of hospital management for physicians (MHM®), Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Professional history

1991 – 1992Clinic for Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery, Hameln (Chief Physician Prof. Dr W. Berner)
1992 – 2005König-Ludwig-Haus, Würzburg (Director Prof. Dr J. Eulert)
1993 – 1999Establishment and management of the Cell Culture Laboratory
1997Orthopaedic specialist
1999Associate Professor
1999Senior Physician
2005Medical Director and Chief Physician of the Orthopaedic Hospital Schloss Werneck
2005Adjunct Professor
2005Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery

Additional qualifications/titles

  • Special orthopaedic surgery
  • Medical Hospital Manager (MHM®)
  • Sports medicine
  • Quality management (EFQM Assessor)
  • Certificate in foot surgery
  • X-ray diagnostics for the skeletal organ system
  • Hospital hygiene


  • Dr Franz Engelmaier
    Head Senior Physician
  • Marco Amann
    Senior Physician
  • Dr Peter Karl
    Leading Senior Physician
  • Christian Nolte
    Senior Physician
  • Dr Björn Oswald
    Senior Physician
  • Dr Dietmar Schmeel
    Senior Physician
  • Markus Hanesch
    Senior Physician

Research & Training



  • Wards in a completely renovated baroque castle
  • Exclusive rooms with 4.60m-high ceilings, parquet flooring and a park view
  • Operating centre exclusively for orthopaedic operations
  • Hygiene concept with mandatory MRSA rapid test, astronaut helmet system for all prosthesis operations, extremely low transfusion rates, and preoperative decontamination treatment against hospital germs


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Transport Connections

Schweinfurt Central Railway Station16 km
Würzburg Central Railway Station26 km
Nuremberg Airport120 km
Frankfurt Airport147 km

Information about Werneck

Werneck is located on the edge of Franconian wine country between the two centres of Würzburg and Schweinfurt. The approximately 10,000 inhabitants of the market town are spread across a total of 13 municipal districts. The town is also known beyond the region as a health centre. In addition to the excellent clinics, there is plenty of potential for activity.

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Prof. Dr Christian Hendrich

Medical Director

Orthopaedic Hospital Schloss Werneck

Special Clinic for Endoprosthetics, Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery

Balthasar-Neumann-Platz 1, D-97440 Werneck

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