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Prof. Dr Zielen MD - Specialist in Respiratory and Allergic Diseases in Children and Adolescents Prof. Dr Stefan Zielen MD - Portrait

Prof. Dr Stefan Zielen MD

Private practice - Allergologist / Pediatric Pulmonologist

Specialist in Respiratory and Allergic Diseases in Children and Adolescents

+49 69 8740 8833
Private patients & self-insured

Pediatric Pulmonologist Prof. Zielen in Frankfurt

Treatment focus

  • Bronchial asthma (early childhood asthma, severe asthma, allergic asthma, new biologic therapies)
  • Exercise-induced asthma
  • Vocal cord dysfunction (VCD), Exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction (EILO)
  • Chronic cough, cough-variant asthma, cough tic, Tourette syndrome
  • Allergic diseases (e.g., insect venom allergy, peanut allergy, pollen allergy)
  • Medication allergy ataxia telangiectasia (Louis-Bar syndrome; see
  • Bronchiolitis obliterans (PiBO and BOS) (see


Institute for Respiratory Diseases
Medaimun GmbH
Kennedyallee 97a, D-60596 Frankfurt

P: +49 69 8740 8833(Private patients & self-insured) F: +49 69 6959 58909

Consultation Hours:

For Private Patients and Self-Payers:
Tuesday 12:00 - 5:30 PM
Wednesday 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Friday 9:30-11:30 AM
By appointment

Medical Range

Range of diagnostic services


  • Lung function test (spirometry, ozillometry, body plethysmography)
  • Determination of NO in the respiratory air
  • Determination of bronchial irritation sensitivity (asthma test)
  • Allergy testing (prick test, determination of specific IgE)
  • Nasal and bronchial provocation with allergens
  • Na Food allergy diagnostics and oral provocation testing
  • Oral medication provocation testing
  • In collaboration with colleagues of other disciplines, radiological examinations such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or special laboratory tests can be performed.


Range of therapeutic services


  • Outpatient trials (new therapies; see
  • Monoclonal antibodies
  • Specific immunotherapy (rush and short-term therapy)
  • Interdisciplinary care of patients with ataxia, PIBO, and BOS (including dietary advice, physiotherapy, etc.)

More Information


Prof. Dr Stefan Zielen is a specialist in respiratory & allergic diseases at the Institute for Respiratory Diseases "Medaimun."

He was head of the focus area of allergology, pneumology, and cystic fibrosis at the pediatric and adolescent medicine clinic at the Frankfurt University Hospital for 22 years. Prof Zielen has published over 300 peer-reviewed papers on PubMed and has been an expert in asthma, rare lung diseases, and allergic diseases for many years. He treats children, adolescents, and adult patients who come as self-pay patients and those with private health insurance.

Diagnosis and Therapy of Pulmonary Diseases

The Medaimun Institute for Respiratory Diseases has complete clinical diagnostics and treatment of acute and chronic lung diseases in children, adolescents, and adults. Prof. Zielen and his team always care for young patients and their families by following the latest medical knowledge. In addition, the cooperating laboratory offers a wide range of different tests for questionable immune processes and allergies.

Proven Specialist in Hyposensitization

In the special field of respiratory and allergic diseases, Prof. Zielen most frequently treats asthma, other rare lung diseases, and allergic diseases (allergic rhinitis, bee and wasp venom allergy, and peanut allergy). Prof Zielen is a renowned specialist in hypersensitization (short-term and rush immunotherapy) and sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) with tablets.

Asthma Treatment in Frankfurt

Asthma (bronchial asthma) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract with hypersensitivity to the airways. It comes to attacks of narrowed airways in asthma (bronchial obstruction) due to mucus formation caused by cramping of the airway muscles (bronchial muscles). Often asthma is caused by allergies and infections.

Close cooperation between doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, physiotherapists, dieticians, social workers, and psychologists guarantees the best possible, patient-oriented care for chronic diseases.

The Highest Level of Expertise in the Treatment of Ataxia Telangiectasia

Ataxia telangiectasia (A-T; OMIM 208900, formerly known as Louis Bar syndrome) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the ATM gene (Ataxia telangiectasia mutated) (607585) encoding the ATM protein located on chromosome 11q.22–23.1. The ATM protein interacts with a large number of immunological, hematopoietic, and endocrine signaling pathways, such that defective ATM function results in a broad multisystemic clinical manifestation. The absence of ATM is characterized by progressive cerebellar degeneration, oculocutaneous telangiectasia, cellular and humoral immunodeficiency, cancer susceptibility, and radiosensitivity. In classic A-T, recurrent infections lead to chronic lung disease (bronchiectasis and pneumonia). Therefore, treatment by an experienced team, such as Prof Zielen's, is crucial for young patients' long-term prognosis.

Please, visit the website of the Medaimun Respiratory Institute for more information.



Curriculum Vitae


1968-75High School Frankfurt Matura 1975
1975-83University J.W. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
1983Graduation from Medical School, Physician


1989M.D. Board certified in Pediatrics 1989
1991M.D. Board certified in Allergology
1994PHD (Thesis): T-Cell Regulation in Patients with Common variable Immunodeficiency
1996M.D. Board certified in Pediatric Pneumology
1998-2002Professor of Pediatrics, Chair for Pediatric Allergy and Pneumology, University Bonn
2002-1 April 2023Professor of Pediatrics, Chair of Pediatric Allergology and Pneumology, University of Frankfurt


1985-1990Children Hospital der J.W. Goethe-Universität
1990-1991Research Fellow DKFZ Heidelberg, Germany
1991-1998Senior Physician Pediatric Allergy and Pneumology
1998-2002Professor in Pediatrics, Chair for Pediatric Allergology and Pneumology, University of Bonn
2002-presentCurrent Position: Professor of Pediatrics, Chair of Pediatric Allergology, Pneumology, and Cystic Fibrosis, and Head of Research at Medaimun GmbH
As of 1 April 2023Institute for Respiratory Diseases (Medaimun GmbH;


  • Andreas Wimmers
    General Practitioner
  • Dr Dr Linde
    Pediatrician, Immunologist

Cooperation Partner

  • PD Dr Olaf Eickmeier
    Head of the Cystic Fibrosis Unit, KKJM
  • PD Dr Martin Rosewich
    Allergist and Pediatric Pneumologist in Oberursel
  • Dr A. Lieb
    Allergist and Pediatric Gastroenterologist in Neu Isenburg
  • Prof. Dr nat. Ralf Schubert
    Focus on Allergology Laboratory and Immunology, KKJM

Research & Training



  • The Institute for Respiratory Diseases has beds for partial hospitalization.


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Transport Connections

Frankfurt (Main) Central Station2 km
Frankfurt Airport12 km

Information about Frankfurt

Frankfurt is one of the most important financial centres in Germany and Europe. With its skyscrapers unique in Europe, Frankfurt rises above the Main on an area of ​​approximately 243 square kilometres and at its centre accommodates about 700.000 inhabitants. Frankfurt was officially mentioned for the first time in 794 and played a decisive role during the imperial age. Much of the city was destroyed by bombing in World War II by the Allies. The historic old town, however, is preserved, just as its culturally important role in Europe. Today the old town is a tourist magnet that repeatedly attracts visitors from all over the world.

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Prof. Dr Stefan Zielen MD

Private practice - Allergologist / Pediatric Pulmonologist

Institute for Respiratory Diseases

Medaimun GmbH

Kennedyallee 97a, D-60596 Frankfurt

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