Specialists in Breast cancer
1 Specialist found
Information About the Field of Breast cancer
Breast Cancer Germany - Which Doctors and Clinics are Specialized in Breast Cancer Treatment?
Anyone effected by the illness would search for the best breast cancer treatment available. The patients ask themselves, “where can I find a breast cancer specialist or the best breast cancer center?”
Since this question can’t be answered objectively and serious doctors would never conclude that they are the best practitioners, one can only look at the experience the doctor has and/or obtain a reference from an independent source. The more breast cancer cases a doctor treats, the more experienced he or she will be in his or her field.
Breast cancer specialists are doctors for gynecology and senology that work in a certified breast cancer center. Through their experience and lasting occupation in a certified breast cancer center, they are the right contact persons for diagnosis and a therapy plan.
What is a Certified Breast Center?
Since 2003, hospitals can voluntarily register themselves for the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Certification authorities include the German Cancer Association and the European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists (EUSOMA). Clinics must fulfill a determined service catalog in order to obtain certification. The goal of certification is to achieve improved therapy for breast cancer patients through specialized breast centers with high incidences and interdisciplinary cooperation between different specializations, as well as the adherence of guidelines.
What is the Service Spectrum of Breast Cancer Specialists?
Within a breast cancer center, breast cancer specialists provide care with the most modern technology for the diagnosis and therapy of breast cancer. The diagnosis and breast cancer treatment runs hand in hand with the interdisciplinary cooperation of different fields such as radiology, radiotherapy and psycho-oncology. In so-called tumor conferences, each individual case is subject to all specialized disciplines and an individual treatment plan with the newest status of science is created.
Breast Cancer Diagnostic and Therapy is Developed with the Following Elements:
- Breast Cancer Diagnostic
- Breast Cancer Treatment
- Breast Cancer Operation
- Radiation tTherapy for Breast Cancer
- Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer
- Breast Composition
- Further Medical Therapy (antibody therapy, hormone therapy by hormone-dependent breast tumors)
Why Should I Undergo Breast Cancer Treatment with Specialist?
Of course a local gynecologist is an important contact person through the accompaniment of breast cancer treatment and later therapy. The diagnosis and the determination of breast cancer healing should however take place in a certified breast center, in order to benefit from the know-how of breast cancer specialsts and to profit from possible studies. Advantages of study participation include guidance during therapy and participation in the latest and most innovative treatment concepts. The fear of being used as a test guinea pig is baseless in this case.
Where Can I find a Breast Center in Germany?
Currently there are over 200 certified breast centers in Germany. We suggest the following centers:
- Breast cancer specialists in Berlin
- Breast cancer specialists in Essen
- Breast cancer specialists in Frankfurt am Main
A list of all certified breast centers in each German state can be found at the German Association for Senology.
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