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Are you looking for information on dentistry and specialists for treatment or surgery? On our portal, you will find only experienced dentists and dental clinics in Germany, Switzerland or Austria.


Information About the Field of Dentistry

What is Dentistry?

Dentistry is a branch of medicine that deals with the recognition, healing, and prevention of diseases of the teeth, the dental apparatus, and the oral cavity. In order to determine the dental status in patients, the natural teeth, missing teeth, fillings, dentures, gum disease, and malocclusions are recorded in writing. The sensitivity of the teeth is examined, a photograph is taken, and the function of the jaw joint is checked. If necessary, x-rays are also created.

The treatment spectrum in dentistry is comprehensive, and the dentist deals with patients of all ages. The focus is on the correct care of the teeth as well as prevention in children and young patients. A major topic is the care of problematic wisdom teeth, e.g., if they are crooked. With increasing age, damaged teeth and gums have to be treated. Individual teeth or entire rows of teeth must be replaced by artificial implants if necessary

Branches of Dentistry

In dentistry, further training is possible in the following areas:

Orthodontics deals with malocclusions of the jaws and teeth (tooth malposition). This treatment is widespread in children after the second dentition is received, treatment with braces is carried out in case the teeth are crooked. Oral surgery refers to surgical procedures that are carried out in the oral cavity, i.e., affecting the teeth, jaw and surrounding soft tissues, such as the removal of wisdom teeth or the insertion of implants. Periodontology is the study of the periodontium; therefore, specialists in this field deal with the dental component that is located in the jaw.

Related Fields

Oral and maxillofacial surgery is a relevant subject of dentistry and deals with malformations, malposition, and injuries in the facial and jaw area. Doctors in this specialty have completed both a degree in dentistry and medicine. This education is necessary because teeth or the periodontium are often affected in the course of an injury, e.g., a knocked-out tooth during sports. Malformations at birth, such as cleft lip and palate, also affect the oral cavity and tooth growth, so dental knowledge is necessary. Therefore, oral and maxillofacial surgeons in dental clinics work closely with dentists. The field of maxillofacial surgery overlaps with the dental specialty of oral surgery, but also medical specialties such as ear, nose, and throat medicine, ophthalmology and neurology are covered.

How to Become a Dentist

You have to study dentistry at a university to become a dentist in Germany. Therefore, a general university entrance qualification is necessary. The training at the university takes at least ten semesters and initially includes natural science subjects as well as the anatomy of the entire human body. In the course of the studies, the core subjects of dental, oral and maxillofacial diseases, dental, oral and maxillofacial surgery, tooth preservation, dental prosthetics, and orthodontics are taught practice-oriented. At the end of their studies, students are allowed to call themselves dentists (ZA) after passing their exams and receive a license to practice medicine.

When Does it Become Necessary to Go to a Dental Clinic?

In a dental clinic, a large number of specialists work together, so that an interdisciplinary team of specialists can take care of the patient’s individual needs. The simultaneous presence of oral surgeons, periodontists, implantologists, endodontists as well as dental technicians, anesthetists, and surgeons enables treatment in one setting. Besides, larger dental clinics have their dental laboratory so that the dental prosthesis can be assembled within the clinic.

Dental practices usually do not offer all the services necessary for the patient, as the technical equipment is missing. Consequently, it is required to go to the dental clinic when extensive and complicated procedures are pending. Every reliable dentist is aware of his/her abilities and the available equipment and will refer the patient to a dental clinic for the necessary procedures.

One advantage of the dental clinic is the training of dental students. They learn their new practical skills directly on the patient. Dental clinics offer patients the possibility of reduced or even free procedures if they are carried out by a student under medical supervision. In the case of a complicated root canal treatment, for example, this can save several hundred to a thousand euros.


  • Welsch: Lehrbuch Histologie. 2nd edition. Urban & Fischer 2005, ISBN 978-3-437-44430-2.
  • Lüllmann-Rauch: Histologie. 2nd edition. Thieme 2006, ISBN 3-131-29242-3.
  • Aumüller et al.: Duale Reihe Anatomie. Thieme 2006, ISBN 978-3-131-36041-0.
  • Bommas-Ebert et al.: Kurzlehrbuch Anatomie und Embryologie. 2nd edition. Thieme 2006, ISBN 978-3-131-35532-4.
  • Weber: Memorix Zahmedizin. 5th edition. Thieme 2017, ISBN-13: 978-3132401129


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