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German Specialists in Gynecologic Oncology

Are you searching for a gynecologist or or a German cancer treatment center specializing in gynecologic oncology? With our doctor and clinic search for medical experts, you can find experienced specialists and hospitals which you can contact directly. In addition, you find general information about gynecologic oncology.



Specialists in Gynecologic Oncology

3  Specialists found

Univ-Prof Dr Dr K. Rainer Kimmig

Gynecologic Oncology and Breast Cancer


Information About the Field of Gynecologic Oncology

Definition: What is Gynecologic Oncology?

Gynecologic oncology is a specialized field of women’s medicine (gynecology). In large clinics, departments for research studies dedicated to gynecological oncology have emerged. There, gynecologists specialize in the diagnostic and therapy of women with malignant tumor diseases.

On the goal of gynecological oncology is not only to achieve the optimal treatment for women with cancer of the female genitals and breast, but cancer research as well. A gynecologist's goal is to optimize current treatment methods and to test new therapies, which can elongate the survival time of patients and improve their prognosis. Cancer patients can also participate in clinical studies to profit from latest innovations.

Certification in Gynecological Oncology for Gynecological Cancer Centers and Breast Cancer Centers

Since 2003, hospitals and cancer treatment centers can voluntarily become certified in the diagnosis and therapy of certain gynecological cancer illnesses. The German Cancer Society is the certifying institution. In order to receive authentication, clinics must fulfill a predefined performance index. The credential's goal is improved medical care for cancer patients. This is achieved as a result of the cancer treament centers' specialization and high success rates (evidence of experience), as well as the interdisciplinary cooperation with the various medical branches, and the adherence to guidelines. Within gynecological oncology, clinics can become certified as a gynecological cancer center and breast cancer center.

Which Cancer Illnesses are Treated through Gynecological Oncology?

Certain cancer diseases in woman are fairly common. According to cancer statistics, breast cancer is not only the most common cancer disease in women, but also the most common cause of death worldwide. Through the continuous development and improvement of breast-cancer therapy, as for example conducted in certified breast cancer centers, the prognosis of breast cancer is very promising (five-year survival rate at 86%).

Additional gynecological cancers include:


Diagnostics and Therapy in Gynecological Oncology

For the diagnostic and therapy of cancers occuring in women, gynecologis rely on modern imaging techniques, minimally invasive technology for biopsy removal or surgery, and medications of the latest generation.

Basically, following diagnostic procedures are applied depending on the type of cancer:


Therapy Options Within Gynecological Oncology

Therapy alternatives in gynecological oncology are surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, in addition to hormone and antibody therapies. In many cases, two or more options are combined in order to provide best possible results.

The goal of modern therapeutic methods is to radically reduce cancer while protecting healthy tissue as well as possible. Especially surgical practices like minimally invasive surgery (abdominal-laparoscopy) are increasingly preferred over an open incision. The benefits of these methods are shorter operation times, less risks and stress to the body, and in addition, a much shorter time of recovery. Today's frequently performed surgeries include the hysterectomy procedure and breast cancer surgery.

Interdisciplinary Cooperation

There is a close cooperation within gynecological oncology with other specialized fields, such as radiation therapy, urology, plastic surgery, radiology and oncology. In so-called tumor conferences, each patient's case is discussed by a selection of doctors of various disciplines, in order to establish an individualized treatment plan. Pyschological guidance is especially important in such difficult life situations as well.

Palliative Care

If recovery from cancer is no longer possible, the goal of gynecological oncology is to improve the patient’s quality of life (palliative care). Here, gynecologists attempt to reduce pain and persistent discomfort. Medications and tumor-reducing surgeries as radiation and chemotherapy are provided by request.

Plastic Reconstruction

An important aspect of gynecological oncology is the restoration of the female body. Particularly in cancer illnesses, loss of breast, vaginal or genital tissue can occur as a result of necessary incisions. With help of the own body tissue, plastic reconstruction enables surgeons to extensively and realistically reconstruct the female breast or create an artificial vagina with self-prepared intestinal material.

The Desire to Have Children Despite Cancer – Possibilities Within Gynecological Oncology

For young patients, a cancer diagnosis can present a double burden. On top of being confronted with a life-threatening disease, the desire to bear a child must stay unfulfilled throughout cancer therapy. Young cancer patients should consider family planning prior to the start of cancer treatment, even if it seems difficult to do so. In case fertility problems remain throughout the healing process, patients should always discuss this topic with their gynecologist. Gynecological oncologists offer, if possible, fertility-preserving surgeries. Further options include ovariopexy (In case of immenent radiation, the ovaries can be excluded from the radiation area) and freezing of egg cells or ovarian tissue.

Why Should I be Treated by a Specialist in Gynecological Oncology?

Gynecologists and women’s hospitals with a focus on gynecological oncology have extensive experience in the treatment of women 's cancer. They are certified as gynecological cancer centers and guarantee optimal diagnostics and therapy. With PRIMO MEDICO you will currently find gynecological cancer specialists in the following cities:

German Sources:

Stauber, Manfred; Weyerstahl, Thomas (2007): Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe. 3., aktualisierte Auflage. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme (Duale Reihe).

Keck, Christoph; Denschlag, Dominik; Tempfer, Clemens (2004): Facharztprüfung Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe. 1000 kommentierte Prüfungsfragen ; 6 Tabellen. Stuttgart: Thieme.

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