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Are you looking for an experienced specialist in neurology or a neurological clinic in Germany? You will find exclusively specialists, clinics, and centers in their area of expertise at PRIMO MEDICO. Or, find out more about the treatment focusses and examinations carried out by neurologists.


Information About the Field of Neurology

What is Neurology?

Neurology is a branch of medicine giving attention to the research and treatment of diseases in the central and peripheral nervous system and muscle diseases. Typical diseases are migraine, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke or forms of dementia.

What Diseases Are Treated by Neurologists?

Neurologists treat about one million patients per year in hospitals alone. They do not only treat widespread diseases such as migraine and polyneuropathy, but also severe diseases such as tumors or multiple sclerosis. Following, you will find a list of the most common neurological diseases in Germany:

  • Ischemic stroke
  • Intracranial hemorrhage
  • Craniocerebral trauma
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Meningitis
  • Migraine and other headaches
  • Epilepsy
  • Polyneuropathy
  • Brain tumors
  • Alzheimer’s disease


Which Examinations Are Carried Out by a Neurologist?

The doctor checks the function and performance of the brain and nervous system with the help of a neurological examination. A profound examination includes the following aspects:

  • A medical review about the medical history, family medical history, current life situation, medication, and current complaints
  • A report on the state of consciousness (vigilance)
  • Palpation of the pulses and blood pressure measurement
  • The examination of the twelve cranial nerves
  • The examination of strength, sensitivity, reflexes, and coordination of the body
  • Checking standing, gait, and balance

After the doctor has asked a question about the patient's name, current date, or place of birth to test vigilance, the next step is to test the sensitivity of the entire body. This includes sensations to touch, pain, temperature, vibration, and positional changes. Afterward, motor skills and muscle strength are examined. Coordination is tested by the finger-nose test. In this test, the eyes are closed and the index finger of the outstretched arm is guided to the tip of the nose. Standing, gait, and balance are checked with the Romberg’s test and the Unterberger’s stepping test. For this, the patient closes his/her eyes again and is stepping in one spot without moving forward (with outstretched arms). There should be no twisting or tilting of the body if the balance is intact. The neurological examination also includes testing the reflexes. The muscle reflexes are tested with the help of a reflex hammer.

The brain nerves are individually tested as follows:

  • Olfactory nerve – sense of smell: smelling tests
  • Optic nerve – sense of vision: items or alphabetic characters have to be recognized from a certain distance. The light reflex is tested by the doctor shining a lamp into the eyes.
  • Oculomotor nerve - eye movement: the patient is supposed to follow the doctor's finger with his eyes.
  • Trochlear nerve - eye movement: the patient is supposed to follow the doctor's finger with his eyes.
  • Trigeminal nerve – chewing and sensitivity: the doctor is stroking the patient's face and asking if the touch can be felt. He is also pressing the exit points of the nerve branches in the face and checking them for pain.
  • Abducens nerve - eye movement: the patient is supposed to follow the doctor's finger with his eyes.
  • Facial nerve – facial expression and taste: the different facial movements are given, which the patient has to imitate. The patient's sense of taste is also inquired.
  • Vestibulocochlear nerve – sense of hearing and balance: The doctor is rubbing the finger close to the ears in order to check the hearing ability.
  • Glossopharyngeal nerve – swallowing: the swallowing ability is tested.
  • Vagus nerve – controlling the internal organs: breathing, heartbeat, and digestion are checked by auscultation and percussion
  • Accessory nerve – part of the head musculature: the doctor is pressing the shoulders down while the patient is pulling them up.
  • Hypoglossal nerve – tongue: the patient is sticking the tongue out and moving it in all directions.


Which Medical Specialists and Clinics Are Experts for Neurology in Germany?

Medical specialists in neurology acquire their medical specialist competence after 60 months of training in inpatient neurological patient care, psychiatry, and psychosomatic medicine, and intensive care of neurological patients. Neurologists work in clinics for neurology or are active in outpatient patient care in neurological practices.

We help you to find an expert for your disease. All listed physicians and clinics have been checked by us for their outstanding specialization in the field of neurology and expect your inquiry or treatment request.

Sources :

  • Mumenthaler, Mattle: Neurologie. 12th edition. Thieme 2008, ISBN 978-3-133-80012-9.
  • Masuhr, Neumann: Duale Reihe Neurologie. 6th edition. Thieme 2007, ISBN 978-3-131-35946-9.
  • Peters: Lexikon Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie, Medizinische Psychologie. 6th edition. Urban & Fischer 2007, ISBN 3-437-15061-8.
  • Karnath et al.: Kognitive Neurologie. Thieme 2005, ISBN 978-3-131-36521-7.
  • Gesundheitsberichterstattung des Bundes: Fallpauschalenbezogene Krankenhausstatistik (DRG-Statistik): Diagnosen, Prozeduren, Fallpauschalen und Case Mix der vollstationären Patientinnen und Patienten in Krankenhäusern. Fachserie 12 Reihe 6.4 (Article number: 2120640137004) Published in 2014, corrected in 2015.



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