Information About the Field of Oral surgery & Implant surgery
Oral Surgery: What does that mean?
Oral surgery is an area of dental surgery. The physician responsible for this is a professional dentist with at least 4 years of continuing education in the subject oral surgery or a medical specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery. One section of oral surgery is implantology, inserting dental implants into the jawbone as permanent dentures.
When Do I Have to Make an Appointment with An Oral Surgeon?
Usually, the patients come to a general dentist first with their complaints, occasionally to a general practitioner, too since problems with the teeth are not necessarily limited to the area of the mouth. A referral to the oral and maxillofacial surgery might become necessary for greatest pain and difficult affections. In any case, the cooperation between general dentistry and oral surgery is close.
Which Treatments Are Carried Out in Oral Surgery?
Oral surgery includes surgeries in which not only the visible part of the tooth is treated, but parts of the jaw or the tooth root must be surgically opened. Simple fillings are usually not carried out by the oral surgeon. Close cooperation with the referring dentist takes place for this. Important treatments in oral surgery are:
- Tooth extraction
- Apicectomy
- Removing jaw cysts
- Removing dental cysts
- Tooth transplantations
- Surgical periodontitis treatment
- Augmentation (bone grafting)
- Dental implants
What Are the Risks of Oral Surgery?
As with any surgery, complications can occur during dental surgery. The oral surgeon will have an informing review with the patient and learns about possible previous illnesses and medication before the surgery.
After that, the oral surgeon will individually address the possible complications. Possible consequences of dental surgery may include swelling, bruising, pain, inflammation, postoperative bleeding, impaired healing, and maybe damage to surrounding tissue such as maxillary sinus, adjacent teeth or nerves.
What Do I Have to Consider After a Treatment Carried Out by an Oral Surgeon?
The instructions of the doctor should be followed after oral surgical treatment. Painkillers are either prescribed or handed over. Under no circumstances should over-the-counter painkillers be taken without consulting the doctor, as some painkillers can increase the tendency to bleed (aspirin).
Avoid the following stimulants and activities after oral surgery:
- Alcohol
- Nicotine
- Caffeine
- Acid containing beverages such as Coca Cola and fruit juices
- Physical effort
- Heat through sauna or sunbathing
Cool the surgical area with a cooling compress and drink sufficient cool beverages such as water or cooled chamomile tea.
Where Do I Find an Oral Surgeon in Germany, Switzerland, or Austria?
Specialists in oral surgery in Germany, Austria or Switzerland are highly trained and have access to the most modern diagnostic and surgical technologies. They stand out by many years of experience and further training.
We will help you to find an expert for your disease. All listed doctors and clinics have been checked by us for their outstanding specialization and are waiting for your inquiry or treatment request.
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