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Find a German Pediatric Pulmonologist

Are you seeking an experienced specialist in the medical field of Paediatric Pneumology? With PRIMO MEDICO, you will only find specialists, clinics, and centers in your area of expertise in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. 



Specialists in Paediatric Pneumology

1  Specialist found

Prof. Dr Stefan Zielen MD

Respiratory and Allergic Diseases


Information About the Field of Paediatric Pneumology

What is Pediatric Pneumology, what is a Pediatric Pulmonologist?

Pediatric pneumology is a branch of pediatric medicine (Pediatrics) that is concerned with child and youth lung medicine. Pneuma is ancient Greek and means air.

The pediatric pulmonologist treats newborns, infants, children, and adolescents with lung problems. Depending on the youngster’s age, symptoms and causes of lung disease can be significantly different than in adults.

Which Pulmonologist is Specialized in Children and Adolescents?

Not every pediatrician specializes in childhood and adolescence lung medicine. Pediatric pulmonologists complete a three-year training program in addition to their graduation as pediatrician. During these three years, the child doctor spends a total of 36 months in the field of pediatric pulmonology. After completion, he needs to pass an examination to graduate as a pediatric pulmonologist.

Which Diseases are Treated by Pediatric Pulmonologists?

The child pneumologist is faced with a number of lung diseases and treats the following maladies:

Congenital Malformations of the Respiratory System and the Lungs


  • Cystic fibrosis: The most common inheritable disease in the white population is a genetic defect (chloride channel defect) which causes cell secretions (cell fluid) to become viscous and gooey instead of being at normal liquid stage. This general lack of liquidity effects the lungs and makes them more susceptible to germs. Severe infections are a result. Cystic fibrosis needs to be treated from birth on in order for the child to survive into old age.
  • Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD): Autosomal recessive genetic disorder which causes defects in the respiratory tract. Symptoms include respiratory distress with frequent respiratory infections that can lead to severe lung damage, chronic nasal congestion, frequent sinus infections, recurring middle ear infections, particularly in early childhood, hearing loss, and Hydrocephalus.
  • Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency: Symptoms include chronic cough, emphysema, COPD, liver failure, Hepatitis, Hepatomegaly (enlarged liver), Jaundice, and Cirrhosis.


Acute and Chronic Inflammation of the Lung


  • Bronchial asthma: A chronic (long-lasting) inflammation of the lungs leading to hypersensitivity of lung tissue. Triggers are allergens, smoke, infections, stress, and more. The result can be asthma attacks or respiratory distress. More than 50% of first attacks happen in childhood. With appropriate therapy, more than 40% of those affected are free of symptoms in puberty age.
  • Pleurisy: Inflammation of lung tissue
  • Allergic alveolitis: Diverse types of dust (bird droppings, molds) cause an allergic reaction in the alveoli (smallest element of the respiratory cycle - here, the lungs and blood exchange oxygen). The allergic reaction causes inflammation.


Major Lung Diseases


  • Aspiration: Ingestion of liquids and foreign bodies.
  • Bronchiolitis obliterans: Various disease processes can lead to irreversible damaging alteration of the respiratory tract.

  • Lung tumors: Fortunately extremely rare in childhood.

  • Pleurisy: An inflammation of the pleura lining the lungs.

  • Thoracic trauma: Breast injury caused by an accident.

  • Neuromuscular diseases: The respiratory muscles stop functioning properly.

  • Damage to the respiratory center and its control components.

  • Sarcoidosis, xanthomatosis: Systemic diseases affecting the lungs. Symptoms are fatty deposits appearing as yellowish firm nodules in the skin.

German Sources:

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin e.V. (Zugriff 24.10.2016)

Pädiatrie (4 Auflage); Speer Christian, Manfred Gahr; Springer Verlag

Duale Reihe Pädiatrie (3. Auflage); Friedrich Karl Sitzmann; Thieme Verlag

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