Specialists in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery
2 Specialists found
Information About the Field of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery
What is plastic surgery?
Plastic and aesthetic surgery is an independent medical field that deals with the restoration of impaired body shape and function in the visible and aesthetic areas. A specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery is trained in the following areas:
- reconstructive surgery (restoration)
- hand surgery
- aesthetic surgery (cosmetic surgery)
- burn surgery.
Specialist in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery: Training in Germany and Switzerland includes more than just cosmetic surgery
The training as a specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery takes six years both in Switzerland and Germany. In line with a clearly defined surgical catalogue, certain training goals must be achieved within the six years and a specialist examination must be passed at the end of the course. The focus is not only on performing aesthetic operations, but also on the areas of reconstructive surgery, hand and burn surgery.
In Germany, a doctor must successfully complete the specialist examination with the State Medical Association in order to be allowed to use the title "Specialist for Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery". In Switzerland, the specialist examination consists of a written and oral examination from the European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (EBOPRAS). As a result, the physician attains both Swiss and European medical specialist status after passing the examination.
Which doctors are specialists in plastic and aesthetic surgery?
Only doctors who have successfully completed six years of specialist training may call themselves specialists in plastic and aesthetic surgery. This is particularly important for patients, since the terms cosmetic surgeon, plastic surgeon or aesthetic surgeon are not protected. Any doctor can basically call himself a specialist for cosmetic surgery without having completed the relevant specialist training. Patients who are looking for a plastic surgeon in Germany or Switzerland should therefore pay attention to the exact specialist designation.
Aims of plastic and aesthetic surgery
The aim of cosmetic surgery is to restore or improve body shape and visibly impaired body functions in order to improve the patient's quality of life. Since these defects often cause the patient not only physical but also psychological stress, it is important to consider the individual as a whole and not just as the sum of his or her defects.
Reconstructive surgery
Reconstructive surgery deals with the restoration of body forms following accidents, cancer or congenital deformities. The best known example is reconstructive breast surgery after breast cancer. However, severed limbs can also be reattached through plastic surgery and their function restored by means of microsurgical nerve reconstruction procedures.
Aesthetic surgery
Aesthetic surgery aims to create or restore a harmonious appearance of the body. Realistic surgical goals should be agreed in consultation with the specialist in order to achieve an individually optimum result. This is the only way to ensure patient satisfaction.
Burn surgery
Burn surgery deals with the treatment and restoration of acute skin defects caused by burns, burns or scalds. As extensive skin defects have life-threatening effects, second and third degree burns are often treated in special burns units. The lengthy healing process is supported by plastic surgeons using skin grafts.
Top 10 cosmetic operations in plastic and aesthetic surgery
The range of services offered today is wider than ever before; however, the most common aesthetic operations are still performed on the breast, ear and nose. But also non-surgical wrinkle treatments using hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin are becoming increasingly popular. In 2015, the DGPRÄC conducted a patient survey. The following cosmetic operations are among the most common aesthetic procedures for men and women.
Top Ten Cosmetic Operations for Women
- Breast augmentation with implant
- Eyelid lifting
- Liposuction
- Neck, forehead, face-lift
- Breast lifting
- Abdominoplasty
- Lip reshaping
- Breast augmentation with own fat
- Nose reshaping
- Intimate surgery
Top Ten Cosmetic Operations for Men
- Eyelid lifting
- Liposuction
- Neck, forehead, face-lift
- Ear reshaping
- Abdominoplasty
- Sweat gland treatment
- Gynaecomastia surgery (breast reshaping in men)
- Intimate surgery
- Nose reshaping
- Scar treatment
What makes a good plastic and aesthetic surgeon?
A good plastic and aesthetic surgeon does not only look at the appearance of the patient, but also asks about their history and illnesses and considers the motives that brought the patient to the practice. This is the only way to achieve the ultimate goal of plastic and aesthetic surgery, namely a natural appearance.
Where can I find an experienced plastic surgeon?
You clearly want the best medical care if you need a doctor, which is why it is natural for a patient to want to know: how do I find the best clinic for plastic surgery in Germany or Switzerland? Since this question cannot be answered objectively and a serious doctor would never claim to be the best, you can only rely on the experience of a doctor.
We can help you find an expert. At PRIMO MEDICO you will find only experienced specialists and clinics for plastic and aesthetic surgery in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Currently we have plastic surgeons in the following cities:
Specialists in Plastic Surgery Switzerland:
- Plastic Surgery Bern
- Plastic Surgery Zurich
- Plastic Surgery Lucerne
Specialists in Plastic Surgery Germany:
- Plastic Surgery Berlin
- Plastic Surgery Munich
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