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Urologic oncology: Find specialists and clinics in urological cancer treatment

Are you looking for an experienced specialist in the medical field of urologic-oncology? Then, you will find exclusively experienced specialists, clinics, and centers in your area in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria on the PRIMO MEDICO website.


Information About the Field of Urologic Oncology

What is Urologic-Oncology?

Urologic-oncology refers to a medical specialty that deals with cancers of the urinary tract. The urinary tract refers to the organs that are responsible for urine excretion. These include the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra.

Cancer can also occur (with varying frequency) in all locations. In a somewhat broader sense, cancers of the testicles, penis, and prostate of men also belong to the field of urologic-oncology.

In medicine, cancer is often referred to as malignancy, carcinoma, malignant, or invasive tumor.

What Is the Function of Urologic-Oncology?

The function of urologic-oncology is the detection and treatment of cancers in the urinary tract. An important part is to differentiate the various forms of cancer. This means finding out which defect the cancer cells have to use this knowledge to assess the risk and initiate the best possible therapy.

What Diseases Are Treated in Urologic-Oncology?

Urologic -oncology treats a broad spectrum of invasive tumor diseases. The three most common diseases are prostate cancer, bladder carcinoma, and renal cancer.

As described above, the penis and testicles can also be affected, ureters, and rarely the urethra.

Which Treatment Methods Are Available to Urologic-Oncologists?

Basically, there are three significant pillars of cancer treatment. These include drug therapy, radiation therapy, and surgical interventions.

A distinction is made between these three major groups between different forms and procedures within these three major groups—for example, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and antibody therapy (molecular targeted therapy). Depending on cancer, the stage, and the cellular and genetic nature of the tumor, different treatments and combinations of therapies are necessary.

Which Specialists and Clinics Are Specialized in Urologic-Oncology?

There is no particular "expert for urologic-oncology" in the German medical system, but a specialist for urology, who also covers urologic-oncology, i.e., the cancers in his particular field. In addition, there are urologists in private practice and urological clinics or departments in larger hospitals. Finally, as in most areas of medicine, there are also (urological) centers that deal primarily with urologic-oncology.

We will help you find an expert for your disease. All listed doctors and clinics have been reviewed by us for their outstanding specialization in urologic-oncology and are awaiting your inquiry or treatment request.



Urologie; Hautmann, Gschwend; 5.Auflage, Springer Verlag

Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft



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