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Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Are you looking for an experienced specialist or clinic for fat transfer breast augmentation? You will exclusively find specialists and centers for this method in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland on the PRIMO MEDICO website. 

Information About the Field of Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

What Is Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation with autologous fat uses the body's own fatty tissue for breast augmentation instead of a silicone implant. This method's advantage is that no rejection reaction has to be expected from the body's own tissue, and the implant is not palpable.

The woman's breast is considered a synonym of female attraction. For the majority of women, a well-formed youthful breast is an essential part of their femininity. For a good reason, breast augmentation has been one of the most frequently carried out cosmetic surgeries in Germany in recent years. However, most women still decide on breast augmentation with implants. The method presented here can be an alternative for skeptical women about breast augmentation with implants and favor a natural solution. Like any procedure, fat transfer breast augmentation has advantages and disadvantages.

Breast Augmentation by Autologous Fat Transplantation

In breast augmentation with autologous fat transplantation, fat cells are suctioned off at a possible problem area and then gently inserted into the breast - prepared accordingly. Liposuction and breast augmentation can be carried out in the same surgery. Consequently, the woman only has to bear the burden of anesthesia once.

Breast augmentation with autologous fat requires a lot of expertise and experience on the surgeon's side. But not only that. The surgeon should also feel for harmonious proportions - after all, fat transfer breast augmentation requires sensitivity in reshaping the breast. Every female breast is different and requires an individual treatment concept that exactly matches the patient's personality. Therefore, selecting the right specialist is essential for a good result - the question of cost should never be the primary consideration when choosing a doctor. Whether a surgeon meets these requirements can be seen, among other things, in the patient evaluation. The specialist's qualifications and the number of breast augmentations carried out are decisive selection criteria and provide information about the doctor’s suitability.

For Whom Is This Method Suitable?

Volume augmentation by autologous fat transplantation is particularly suitable for women who do not want a significant enlargement of their breasts but value a firm, well-formed breast. When the breast tissue slackens, the breast loses its fullness and flattens - with the corresponding loss of youthfulness. The natural aging process and weight loss and pregnancies inevitably weaken the connective tissue and change the shape of the breasts. The breasts not only become flatter - they also no longer have the desired firmness. This blemish of beauty can be effectively be corrected by breast enlargement with the patient's own fat.

Women often suffer from asymmetrically shaped breasts. Sometimes the breasts are also of different sizes. The shame about this blemish leads to many women's suffering because they can no longer show themselves to the opposite sex with ease. Breast augmentation with autologous fat can compensate for asymmetries by targeted modeling.

Since the own fat has to be taken from elsewhere to increase volume, this procedure is only suitable for women who have at least small fat pads.

Procedure for Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

In recent years there have been methodological improvements and further developments in professional breast augmentation with autologous fat - both in the preparation of the removed fat cells and the injection technique used. Therefore, breast augmentation by autologous fat transplantation is a welcome alternative if the patient does not want breast augmentation with implants or if uneven breasts are to be adjusted.

Since two different surgical areas are affected by the procedure, breast augmentation with autologous fat can take a little more time. The surgical process can be carried out in an inpatient or outpatient setting.

First Step: Liposuction

In the first step, the surgeon carries out liposuction. During this procedure, fat cells are extracted by gentle liposuction and then used to pad the breast, usually done on the hips, abdomen, or thighs - areas of the body that many women consider problem areas. Almost every patient has enough fatty tissue there that can be used to build up the breast.

In most cases, the surgeon uses the tumescent technique for liposuction. He uses a thin cannula to remove the previously liquefied fatty tissue from the corresponding body zones. After removal, the obtained fat cells are prepared for insertion into the breast. The adult stem cells from the fatty tissue play an essential role in this process. They ensure that new blood vessels develop. Only when the inserted fat cells are supplied with blood can they grow together with the breast's fatty tissue and form a unit.

Second Step: Placement of the Fat Cells into the Breast

The prepared solution is now injected over a large area at precisely defined areas. In contrast to implants, the surgeon uses natural cavities located behind the mammary gland and the subcutis' fatty tissue, which allows the breast to be precisely shaped.

The aim is to achieve the highest possible healing rate of the injected fat cells. However, not all new fat cells usually grow in - a certain percentage, which can vary from person to person, dies after the autologous fat transplant, and is gradually broken down by the body. Therefore, the initial volume of the breast usually decreases slightly later.

Advantages of Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

The most significant advantage of breast augmentation with autologous fat is probably the absence of foreign materials to the body. This suits women who are not comfortable with the idea of carrying a foreign body in their breasts. Besides, rejection reactions can be avoided entirely, which some women show with implants made of silicone. In contrast to implants, padding with the patient's own fat is not palpable and remains completely inconspicuous. The absence of visible scars also contributes to this, as this procedure requires only tiny skin incisions.

Breast augmentation with autologous fat also offers women with fat pads on their hips, abdomen, or buttocks the opportunity to harmonize other problem areas in one surgery.

Disadvantages and Risks of Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation with autologous fat is not suitable for all women, as many women want a significant breast volume increase. With autologous fat transplantation, an increase of only half a cup size, or at most one cup size, can be achieved. Autologous fat transplantation is out of the question for very skinny patients.

Patients who decide on autologous fat transplantation for breast augmentation should bear in mind that the breast volume can decrease again over time. The extent to which this happens can vary individually and is only partially predictable. After a few years, a new procedure is required to replace the fat that has been lost in some cases.

Also, aftercare is required after liposuction. The patient must wear compression underwear for several weeks after liposuction to ensure a good result.

The Following Should Be Noted After Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

There may be a slight pain, swelling, and redness in the initial few days after the procedure. Sometimes, a diffuse numbness of the chest and the body's suctioned areas occurs, which usually disappears after some time. It is essential to wear a suitable sports bra regularly to support the breast, which also applies to compression underwear in the area of liposuction. It should be refrained from strenuous physical activity as much as possible in the initial 3 - 4 weeks so that the patient's own fat can grow into the breast and heal well. Sport is recommended after six weeks.

Which Doctors and Clinics Are Specialized in Breast Augmentation with Autologous Fat?

Anyone considering a breast augmentation would like the best medical care. Therefore, the patient in wondering where to find the best clinic for breast augmentation with autologous fat. Since this question cannot be answered objectively, and a reliable doctor would never claim to be the best one, we can only rely on the doctor’s experience.

The patient should pay attention to the doctor’s specialist training. Since the term plastic surgeon is not protected, every doctor can call himself a specialist. But only specialists for plastic and aesthetic surgery have completed the 6-year training as "cosmetic surgeons." That is why they are the right professionals to contact for breast augmentation with autologous fat.

Besides, gynecology and senology specialists can carry out breast surgeries professionally since they are specialists for the female breast. A good indicator of a doctor's experience for a particular surgery is the number of operations carried out annually. Therefore, it is advisable to get a personal impression of the surgeon before a breast augmentation with autologous fat.

We will help you to find an expert for your condition. All listed doctors and clinics have been checked by us for their outstanding breast augmentation specialization and await your request for an initial consultation.


Hoshaw SJ, Klein PJ, Clark BD, Cook RR, Perkins LL. Breast implants and cancer: causation, delayed detection, and survival. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2001 May;107(6):1393-407.

Henne-Bruns, Doris ; Dürig, Michael ; Kremer, Bernd ; Bruns, Doris Henne-: Chirurgie. 2.Aufl., Stuttgart: Thieme, 2003.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetisch-Plastische Chirurgie

Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum. Krebsinformationsdienst