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Breast lift

Are you looking for information on breast lifting and specialists for treatment or surgery? On the Primo Medico website, you will find only experienced specialists and clinics in Germany, Switzerland, or Austria. Find out about methods and costs and contact our experts.


Specialists in Breast lift

2  Specialists found

Information About the Field of Breast lift

What is Breast Lift?

A breast lift is a surgery that reconstructs a sagging breast to a naturally well-formed breast. This treatment is used by women who are dissatisfied with the shape of their breasts. Over time, the breast becomes flabbier, as the breast tissue loses its elasticity. From a medical point of view, this change is unproblematic, but it can significantly disturb women's well-being.

What Are the Reasons for Having Breast Lift Carried Out?

Many women find sagging breasts aesthetically unattractive and suffer in their self-esteem as a result. Restoring a beautiful breast shape can help these patients to overall feel more comfortable and beautiful. The wishes should be discussed in detail with the treating doctor in advance. Besides, the doctor must clearly explain what results can be expected to prevent postoperative disappointment.

What is the Difference Between a Breast Lift and a Breast Reduction?

In contrast to breast reduction, no fatty and glandular tissue is removed from the breast, only a certain amount of skin. This means that the volume of the breast remains the same, and only the surface area is reduced. This lifts and reshapes the breast, but does not change its size.

Of course, it is also possible to carry out a breast reduction in the breast lift surgery, if requested, which means two treatments can be carried out with only one scar. Since menopause causes the breast to grow due to water retention and general weight gain, this opportunity arises.

Breast Lift Costs: How Much Does a Sagging Breast Surgery Cost?

A breast lift is almost always a plain aesthetic procedure without medical necessity. This means that statutory health insurance companies do not cover the costs of 4000-6000 Euros. The prices are calculated individually according to the complexity and are difficult to prognosis. In Germany, licensed physicians are not allowed to calculate services outside of the scope of statutory health care; they must follow the scale of fees for physicians.

Breast Lift Methods


Breast Lift According to Benelli

In this method, a circular incision is made around the nipple, at the border between the areola and skin. The remaining scar is hardly visible. This technique can also be used to reduce the size of the areola if desired. The sensitivity of the breast and nipple is conserved, as the nerve cords remain untouched. This gentle method is suitable for minor breast lifts.

Breast lift according to Lejour

This incision technique allows a breast lift on a larger scale without excessive scarring. Two incisions are made, the circular incision is carried out around the areola to Benelli and from there extended downwards, so that the entire incision is like the shape of a sickle. The skin under the nipple is removed, which reduces the surface of the breast. Nerve cords are not manipulated either, and sensitivity is maintained.

T- and L-Cut Techniques

Both methods are based on the Lejour way. The circular incision around the nipple is continued vertically into the breast fold. This results in the shape of an inverted letter T or corresponds to the letter L if only one incision is made in the breast fold in one horizontal direction. Both methods allow breast lifts on a larger scale, as excess skin can be removed

What is the Process for a Breast Lift?

The procedure is carried out under general anesthesia and takes two to four hours. This means that an informative review with the responsible anesthetist is necessary no later than the day before the surgery. Food or liquids should not be consumed up to 6 hours before the surgery. An inpatient stay is usually required after the surgery.

There are more than twenty different incision techniques for a breast lift. These are selected in advance in consultation with the patient and based on the nature of the breast. The aim is always to achieve a scar-free result to provide the best aesthetic picture.

Breast Lift Without Surgery: What Can Women Do Themselves For Sagging Breasts?

Breast elasticity can be maintained for longer with the following methods:

  • Relieve the strain on the breasts with the right bra: A sports bra that supports the breast mass should be worn, especially during activities involving a lot of movement or during sports. This way, the skin of the breast is not stretched and unnecessarily strained.

  • Strengthen breast muscles targeted: The large breast muscle, the pectoralis muscle, is located under the glandular and fatty tissue. The breast appears more shapely by enlarging the mentioned muscle by weight training, as it has a more stable and firm base.

  • Supporting blood circulation: Hot and cold showers or massages can improve circulation in the breast tissue. The skin remains elastic, and excess water is drained better.


Which Doctors and Clinics Are Specialists in Breast Lift Surgery?

Patients can obtain advice on their desired operation from their treating gynecologist. The surgeries are usually carried out by plastic and aesthetic surgeons. Heads up: the term "cosmetic surgery" is not defined in the law on further training for doctors and is therefore not protected.

Whoever needs a doctor wants the best medical care. The patient is wondering where to find the best doctors for a breast lift. As this question cannot be answered objectively, and a reliable doctor would never claim to be the best one, we can only rely on the doctor’s experience.

We will help you to find an expert. All listed doctors and clinics have been checked by us for their outstanding specialization in breast lifting and are waiting for your inquiry or treatment request


  • Benninghoff, Drenckhahn: Taschenbuch Anatomie. Urban & Fischer 2007, ISBN 978-3-437-41194-6.
  • Aumüller et al.: Duale Reihe Anatomie. Thieme, 2006, ISBN 978-3-131-36041-0.
  • Lüllmann-Rauch: Histologie . 2. Auflage. Thieme 2006, ISBN 3-131-29242-3.
  • Welsch: Lehrbuch Histologie . 2. Auflage. Urban & Fischer 2005, ISBN 978-3-437-44430-2.
  • Siewert: Chirurgie . 8. Auflage. Springer 2006, ISBN 978-3-540-30450-0.