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Urologists in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria

Are you looking for an urologist in Germany, Switzerland, or Austria? PRIMO MEDICO introduces you to experienced urology specialists and clinics. Our network only hosts recognized doctors and medical centers. Please feel free to contact us.



Specialists in Urology

4  Specialists found

Information About the Field of Urology

Urology developed in the 20th century and German-Hungarian urologist Alexander von Lichtenberg was a pioneer in this field with two other German surgeons, Arthur Barth and Heinrich Klose.

What is Urology?

Urology is a medical field dealing with the diagnosis and therapy of diseases of the urine-forming and urine-conducting organs. These include in women and men:

  • Kidneys
  • Ureter
  • Bladder
  • Urethra

In addition, diseases of the male genital organs (andrology) prostate, penis, and testicles are treated via urology. Urologists do not just treat adult patients. The subfield of Pediatric Urology is concerned with developmental abnormalities or malformations of childlike kidneys, conducting urinary tracts, bladder or urethra. Another specialty of urology is Neuro-Urology. It deals with the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic floor and bladder dysfunctions caused by neurological disorders and traumas.

Which Doctors are Specialists in Urology?

Only physicians who have successfully completed medical studies plus a five-year advanced training in the field of urology may call themselves specialists in urology after passing their specialist examination.

Which Clinics are specialized in Urology?

In most cases, urology clinics are specialized departments in a hospital complex or a university hospital. Only a few independent clinics specialized in urology exist. In Hamburg, there is a nonaligned clinic exclusively specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer, called Martini-Klinik, and in Munich the urological clinic Munich Planegg. Specialist clinics for urology can be certified as a prostate cancer or a pelvic floor center.

When should you visit an Urologist?

Often, symptoms such as blood in the urine or pain in the lower abdomen or flanks lead those affected to the urologist. But also problems with incontinence in women and men (involuntary urination) or erectile dysfunction (Impotence) at different states, require the attention of an urologist for diagnosis and therapeutic measures.

Which Diseases are treated by Specialists or Specialist Clinics for Urology?

Common diseases treated by urology include cancers like prostate, bladder, kidney, testicular, and penis cancer. Stone diseases such as kidney and bladder stones are included in the treatment spectrum as well. Furthermore, urologists are specialists in erectile dysfunction and incontinence.

Especially in the field of diagnostics and surgery, the urology is well developed despite the relatively limited size of this area. Especially minimally invasive operations of malicious diseases have become more and more standardized, sometimes by means of state-of-the-art Robot-assisted methods such as Da Vinci surgery. These procedures help patients to recover as fast as possible.

Where can I find a Specialist Clinic or a Urology Specialist in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland?

Someone in need of an urologist wants the best medical care. That is why the patient asks himself, where to find the best urology hospital? Since this question cannot be answered objectively and a serious doctor would never claim to be the best, a patient can only rely on the physician’s experience.

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