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Elbow surgery

Are you looking for an experienced specialist or a specialist clinic for elbow surgery? Here you will find exclusively elbow specialists and specialist clinics for elbow surgery in Germany, Switzerland and Austria as well as information on the medical specialty of elbow surgery.


Specialists in Elbow surgery

5  Specialists found

Prof. Dr Richard Stangl

Shoulder and Elbow Surgery


Dr Andreas Kiekenbeck

Shoulder and Elbow Surgery


Prof. Dr Karl Wieser

Shoulder and Elbow Surgery


Prof Dr Thorsten Gühring

Shoulder and Elbow Surgery


Prof. Dr Guido Saxler

Endoprosthetics, Knee, Shoulder and Spinal Surgery


Information About the Field of Elbow surgery

Which surgical methods are available for the elbow? 

The surgical possibilities for the elbow are varied and depend initially on the type of illness or injury. Injuries often occur after an accident, particularly to bones, tendons and ligaments as well as soft tissue like bursae or nerves. The surgical possibilities for the elbow are varied and depend initially on the type of illness or injury. Injuries often occur after an accident, particularly to bones, tendons and ligaments as well as soft tissue like bursae or nerves. The decision as to whether surgery is required after a fall on the elbow, a sports injury or other accidents depends on several factors and therefore needs to be made on an individual assessment. An operation can, among other things, restore the correct joint alignment after bone fractures or repair torn tendons and ligaments, or it can return a dislocated joint to its original position. Chronic conditions of the elbow are also common, usually due to wear and tear or overuse of the elbow. Some examples include golfer's or tennis elbow, chronic inflammation of the bursa, osteoarthritis and compression syndromes.

An operation is not always necessary, because conservative treatment methods can also help with elbow problems. After these options have been exhausted, there are many surgical options that can help restore the elbow to good health again.

For which diseases or injuries is elbow surgery necessary? 

Particularly elbow fractures should be treated surgically in most cases to ensure a correct position and long-term full functionality. However, conservative treatment can also provide sufficient results in certain cases. The elbow joint is the second most dislocated joint after the shoulder, and this injury can be associated with an increased risk of complications, especially if bone fractures or soft tissue damage have occurred. Although some simple dislocations can be treated without surgery, many others should be treated operatively. Since many factors dictate the best treatment plan, it is always determined individually whether surgery is necessary. The ligaments can also be injured in accidents and lead to long-term instability of the elbow. If patients are still unhappy with the outcome after immobilization and conservative therapy, surgery may be considered.

The elbow joint can also be damaged by long-term wear and tear or overloading. Tennis elbow is a condition that occurs when the tendon insertion on the external humerus is irritated and inflamed due to excessive strain. Golfers' elbow has a similar cause but is caused by a different movement which ultimately irritates the internal side. Left untreated, both conditions would lead to chronic pain and loss of function, which is why conservative therapy is initiated. If conservative treatment is unsuccessful, surgery may be indicated. Arthritis of the elbow joint is a common problem in which the cartilage surfaces are worn down by chronic stress and inflammation of the mucosa develops. Generally, it is possible to improve the symptoms through immobilization, physiotherapy and other conservative measures, however, treatment is often unsuccessful in the long term. Minimally invasive arthroscopy can be used to remove free joint bodies that form because of cartilage damage, as well as inflamed parts of the mucous membrane. At advanced stages, the use of an artificial joint prosthesis is the only option.

Course and duration of elbow surgery

The time required for different operations varies depending on the clinical picture, severity and surgical technique. The procedures may also differ significantly. Some operations, such as the surgical treatment of tennis elbow, can usually be performed in less than an hour. Larger and more complex operations, such as the insertion of an artificial elbow joint, can take up to 2 hours, even for experienced surgeons. Accident-related injuries to the elbow can also require extensive surgery, as different tissues may be damaged. For example, dislocation of the elbow joint can damage the ligamentous apparatus, and a bone fracture may occur as well.

Healing process and rehabilitation after elbow surgery

The recovery process is also influenced by the type of elbow surgery the patient's health status and their compliance, i.e. their willingness to actively promote their own recovery. One thing all operations have in common, though, is that rehabilitation plays an important role. After the operation, the joint should rest at first and the prescribed medication regimen must be followed. The physiotherapy exercises are then gradually adapted, and the load is increased until the patient can fully bear weight and move. This time point varies between patients and depends on the severity of the injury and the therapy carried out. After surgical treatment of an elbow fracture, full weight-bearing capacity can be expected on average from the 3rd month. After minor operations, however, patients can put weight on their elbows much sooner.

Which specialists are elbow experts in Germany and Switzerland? 

Anyone in need of a doctor would expect the best possible medical care for themselves. Therefore, patients often ask, where can I find an elbow specialist? A specialist in elbow therapy is an orthopedic surgeon who has specialized in both the surgical and conservative treatment of the elbow. Due to their experience and many years of practice as orthopedic surgeons with a focus on elbow surgery, they are the right point of contact for conducting an elbow treatment.

We can help you find an appropriate expert for your condition. All listed doctors and clinics from Germany and Switzerland have been reviewed by us for their outstanding specialization in elbow surgery and are ready to receive your inquiry or treatment request. Currently, we have an elbow specialist in Bern and a shoulder and elbow specialist in Munich.