Specialists in Manual therapy
2 Specialists found
Information About the Field of Manual therapy
Definition: what is manual therapy?
The term "manual" comes from the Latin word meaning "by hand." "Therapy," on the other hand, is derived from the Greek word "therapeía," which means "to serve" or "to care for." Therefore, manual therapy literally refers to a "treatment by hand." It is performed by physical therapists.
Treatment methods: what is manual therapy?
In manual therapy, a combination of specific techniques is used. These include stretching and massage of muscles and tendons, joint mobilization, and manipulation, which involves applying a quick thrust. Neuromuscular techniques are also employed, utilizing targeted tension of specific muscles of the patient. Additionally, trigger point treatment, fascial techniques, and osteopathic methods may be applied. Under the guidance of the therapist, a targeted self-exercise program should be conducted and repeated regularly. Explanations and counseling are also part of the therapy.
Indications: for whom is manual therapy useful?
Manual therapy is used for both acute and chronic musculoskeletal problems, such as back and neck pain. It is also used for patients after various operations, following sports injuries or as prophylaxis.
Contraindications: who should avoid manual therapy?
Acute injuries or risks to the spine due to accidents, metastases, osteoporosis, or similar conditions should be ruled out beforehand. In the experienced hands of a trained manual therapist, and when applied correctly, manual therapy is safe and pain-free.
Duration: How often and for how long is manual therapy carried out?
A single session lasts around 15 to 25 minutes. The overall duration of treatment depends on the symptoms, and a subsequent prescription will be issued if the treatment is to be extended. The treatment frequency varies.
Costs: how much does manual therapy cost?
The costs of manual therapy are usually covered by health insurance following a medical prescription.
Specialists: who is allowed to provide manual therapy?
In contrast to manual medicine, where doctors from various specialist fields have additional qualifications, manual therapy practitioners are specially trained physiotherapists.
Anyone in need of a doctor would expect the best possible medical care for themselves. Therefore, patients are looking for the most suitable clinic for their needs. Since this is not an objective decision and a respectable doctor would refrain from claiming to be the best, patients must trust the experience of a doctor.
We can help you find an appropriate expert for your condition. All the doctors and clinics listed have undergone extensive review and have been verified by us for their outstanding expertise in the field of manual therapy. They are looking forward to and are ready to address your questions and treatment requests.