Specialists in Physical Therapy
2 Specialists found
Information About the Field of Physical Therapy
Physiotherapy is a conservative therapeutic method. This means that external remedies are applied, and the integrity of the body is preserved. The therapy takes into account the physiology and anatomy of the body, aiming to incorporate and follow these principles in a meaningful way. The concept of this therapy is very old and its roots go back to antiquity.
Definition: what is physiotherapy?
The term "physiotherapy" and its treatment options, as we know them today, are relatively recent in the German-speaking world and have largely replaced the term "Krankengymnastik". The term is derived from the Greek words "physis" (body, nature) and "therapeia" (care, service).
Physiotherapy helps support natural body functions, like metabolism or muscle growth, by using external methods such as heat, pressure, and movement. The goal is to improve the patient’s overall health and well-being.
For whom is physiotherapy useful?
Physiotherapy is useful in many situations. It can be used as long-term therapy for chronic illnesses and also as rehabilitation after acute events.
Physiotherapy is frequently used to treat musculoskeletal problems. The most common of these are back and joint pain. Nevertheless, physiotherapy is also recommended as rehabilitation following operations, a stroke or heart attack.
Physiotherapy can also have a positive effect on the course of many chronic diseases such as COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) or MS (multiple sclerosis). Especially for weakened patients, physiotherapy can be useful, as it can help prevent subsequent illnesses and conditions.
What is done in physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy offers a wide variety of therapeutic options. These can be roughly divided into treatments in which the patient is more passive and those in which they actively participate.
First of all, the physiotherapist assesses the patient's situation and gets a feel for their body and complaints through palpation and movement. This provides the basis for further therapy.
Treatment can take place on an inpatient (hospital) or outpatient basis and is therefore initially limited either by the length of stay or the doctor's prescription. However, a follow-up prescriptions are of course possible. Nonetheless, learning and continuing certain exercises at home is usually an important part of physiotherapy.
What types of physiotherapy are there?
There are many different types of physiotherapy. Firstly, movement therapy involves applying pressure and stretching, but strengthening and coordination skills are also very important. This can be done actively and passively, depending on the patient's current condition and symptoms.
In the case of lung diseases, specific respiratory physiotherapy is often used to mobilize mucus and ensure a better oxygen supply.
There are also specific therapies for certain symptoms that have their own name (such as the Bobath or Vojta concept) which have proven their worth.
Outside of the more "traditional" areas typically associated with physiotherapy, there are also complementary treatments like hydrotherapy (water-based therapy), thermotherapy (using heat or cold), and electrotherapy (using small electrical stimuli).
This is just a brief overview of the broad field of physiotherapy, which is constantly evolving and embracing new innovations. The physiotherapist will discuss which form or combination of therapies is most suitable for you after an initial assessment, taking into account both your personal needs and your body's condition.
How much does physiotherapy cost?
Physiotherapy is usually prescribed by a doctor. If there is a medical indication for physiotherapy, it is usually covered by health insurance.
However, in individual cases or for specific forms of therapy, it may be advisable to contact your health insurance provider beforehand to find out whether they will cover the costs.
Who is allowed to call themselves a specialist in physiotherapy?
The specialists in physiotherapy are physiotherapists. They have either completed a three-year degree or a dual course of study.
For practicing certain therapies within the mentioned subcategories, additional qualifications are required, which can be obtained separately.