Specialists in Full body MRI
5 Specialists found
Dr Brunilda Alushi, PhD, FEACVI
Internal Medicine and Cardiology, Prevention and Imaging Diagnostics
Information About the Field of Full body MRI
What is Full-Body-MRI?
Whole-body MRI (magnetic resonance imaging or nuclear spin tomography) is a diagnostic procedure that, unlike X-ray or CT, does not involve any radiation exposure whatsoever. The new developments in medical technology nowadays allow MRI examinations that are considerably shorter (max. 1 hour) and can examine the entire body in one piece without having to adjust the device. Besides, the stronger magnetic fields enable a significantly better resolution than just a few years ago.
Advantages Do Preventive Medical Examination Have?
Many diseases can be avoided or well treated if they are detected early. That is why there are different types of preventive medical checkups. These preventive diagnostics include the medical history interview, physical examination, and blood test, which enable diagnosing risk factors for certain diseases at an early stage. Various imaging procedures are additionally used. It is important for using them so all the necessary parts of the body can be examined and no additional health risk arises from the examination.
Which Diseases Can Be Diagnosed with Full-Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging?
Full-body MRI is used for examinations involving the whole body or many areas of the body. This examination is often carried out as part of preventive medical checkups. It is used for completing the physical examination, blood values, or others.
Cardiovascular Diseases
Cardiovascular diseases, for example, are the most frequent cause of death in Germany. Mostly they develop, initially without symptoms, through calcification and narrowing of the blood vessels throughout the body. Over time, this can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Whole-body MRI is an excellent way of examining the body's entire vascular system for damaged changes.
Rheumatism and Diabetes Secondary Diseases
Secondary complications of metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus can also be detected early. Other conditions such as rheumatism, which affects several areas and organs of the body, can be clarified by a full-body MRI within a single session.
Another reason for full-body MRI is the diagnosis of cancer. Especially tumors that have spread even the smallest metastases in the body can be identified easily.
In young patients with many benign bone growths (exostoses), which often have to be examined due to the risk of malignant changes, full-body MRI is a gentle and radiation-free diagnostic instrument.
Process and Duration of Full-Body MRI
Since magnetic resonance imaging is based on building a strong magnetic field, all metallic objects (chains, piercings, glasses, etc.), must be removed before the examination. Patients with certain pacemakers, cochlear implants, etc. are unfortunately excluded from this examination.
An X-ray assistant is responsible for you during the entire examination. You will be given headphones after you have taken your position on the scanning bed for protection against the loud knocking sound of the MRI. You will always have direct contact with the X-ray assistant via intercom.
The examination starts at the head or feet. The scanning bed slowly moves forward towards the MRI coil until the entire body has been scanned. This can take between 40 and 60 minutes.
In some cases, a contrast agent is administered into the vein to increase the contrast between different organs and tissues. For example, the arteries and veins of the body can be clearly displayed this way. It is important that you lie as still and relaxed as possible during the entire examination. As this is a painless and radiation-free examination, you do not have to worry. Patients with claustrophobia may request a mild sedative before the examination. Some hospitals and practices have so-called open MRIs, which are less confined.
After the examination, the data is evaluated on the computer by an experienced radiologist; later, you will be informed about the results of the examination.
Is a Full-Body MRI Advisable?
The purpose of full-body MRI is controversially discussed. It is criticized that in 40-50% of the examinations, abnormalities are found, which do not always have a therapeutic value. Patients requesting full-body MRI should be given competent advice after the examination to interpret the results accordingly. Not every abnormal finding must have a disease value for the patient.
Who Covers the Cost for Full-Body-MRI?
Health insurance companies only cover the costs for full-body MRI if the examination is medically necessary, i.e., if a disease is reasonably suspected and MRI is the best option to explain the suspicion medically. The patient has to cover the costs if an MRI is a plain preventive instrument. Some employers reimburse check-up examinations fully or partially to their employees. Interested patients should contact a diagnostics specialist to get an estimate for full-body MRI, including a consultation.
Sources :
- www.rp-online.de/leben/gesundheit/medizin/vorsorge-ist-nicht-immer-sinnvoll-aid-1.2966094
- www.aerztezeitung.de/medizin/krankheiten/krebs/article/376444/ganzkoerper-screening-mrt-nutzen-schaden.html