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Vascular Screening

Are you looking for information on vascular screening and specialists for treatment or surgery? You will find exclusively experienced specialists and clinics in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. Please, find out about the definition, methods, and costs or contact our experts.


Specialists in Vascular Screening

3  Specialists found

Dr Brunilda Alushi, PhD, FEACVI

Internal Medicine and Cardiology, Prevention and Imaging Diagnostics


Information About the Field of Vascular Screening

What Is Vascular Screening?

Our culture's dietary and lifestyle habits favor vascular changes such as deposits of fats and calcium on the vascular walls in many people, even those without symptoms, even at a young age. In the long term, these can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

The vessels are examined in detail during vascular screening to detect any pathological changes early.

What Examinations Are Carried Out During Vascular Screening?

A series of examinations are carried out during the vascular screening.

It includes, among others, a careful medical history to determine current complaints, pre-existing personal conditions, and family risk factors.

Furthermore, detailed ultrasound examinations of the vascular system are performed. These screens the chest, abdomen, neck, and legs vessels, among others, for patency, elasticity, and wall thickness.

Vascular Screening Costs

Vascular screening is an individual health service (IGeL). The costs are not usually paid by statutory health insurers but by private health insurers. Therefore, it is advisable to inquire with the health insurance company in advance about reimbursement.

The costs for private patients typically range from approx. 30-250€, depending on the scope of the examination.

When Is Vascular Screening Advisable?

Health is one of the highest goods a human being possesses. It is the basis for a high quality of life. Accordingly, it is in the patient's interest to protect this individual asset.

Some risk factors have a strong negative influence on the condition of the vessels. These include smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, and elevated cholesterol levels.

If a patient's risk factors for pathological vascular changes are present, vascular screening effectively takes countermeasures at an early stage.

Which Doctors and Clinics Are Specialized for Vascular Screening?

Every patient who needs a doctor wants the best medical care. Therefore, the patient is wondering where to find the best clinic. As this question cannot be answered objectively and a reliable doctor would never claim to be the best, we can only rely on the doctor's experience.

We will help you find an expert for your condition. All listed doctors and clinics have been reviewed by us for their outstanding specialization in vascular screening and are awaiting your inquiry or treatment request.


  • Erdmann, E.: Klinische Kardiologie: Krankheiten des Herzens, des Kreislaufs und der herznahen Gefäße. Heidelberg: Springer, 2008
  • Thrush, A. et al.: Ultraschalldiagnostik peripherer Gefäße. München: Urban & Fischer Verlag/Elsevier Gmbh, 2006